Food Chain Project

1. Start by creating a plan sketch. 

2. Fold the sketch in half. 

3. Fold large paper for largest animal. 

4. Put your sketch next the paper and draw the outline of your first animal.

5. Cut out your first animal. 

6. Open to make sure you like it. 

7. Choose and fold the paper for your next animal. 

8. Place the first animal on top of the second animal paper. 

9. Draw your second animal. 

10. Cut it out. 

11. Open and check it. 

12. Choose and fold color for your third animal/plant. 

13. Put bigger animal on top. 

14. Draw next animal/plant inside its mouth. 

15. Open and check. 

16. Fold next color.

17. Place larger one and draw the other inside. 

18. Open and check them. 

19. Add other features. 

20. Glue all pieces to a large piece of paper.