Concession Stand

Concession Stand Sign Up

Please click on the link below to sign up for concession stand as a volunteer:

Check regularly to make sure the schedule didn't change due to Athletics scheduling and Weather!!!

The Lake Hamilton Band Program has the privilege of staffing and maintaining the concession stands for home football, basketball, track and band events which occur on the LH Campus. Although our students provide most of the labor, we need adult workers at every game to pop corn, steam hot dogs, restock supplies and clean. All Junior and Senior High Band members are required to work in the concession stand at least one time during the year.

All of the profits from concession sales go to the Band Activity Account and are spent on the Band Program. We use the funds to provide opportunities not covered by our operating budget. Our administration provides a very generous budget each year, but additional funds are needed to pay adjunct staff, purchase music and minor equipment and supplies. Some is used to feed students when they are at contest and on trips.

Parents and students should be aware that consideration for scholarships, payment plans or any other type of financial assistance may be based on participation in the staffing of the concession stand. Diana Bennett is the person in charge of coordinating all concession events. She may be reached at 501-760-6513 in the band room or