
The Careers and Guidance Department at KGV work together with all students to help them prepare for their life beyond school. Three full time counsellors guide students and parents through the application process to universities all over the world, offering advice on course selection and destination. In addition, we also work closely with younger students to offer advice on options choices and in conjunction with other international schools to develop closer links with institutions both in Hong Kong and abroad. Information sessions are offered to students and parents on a regular basis and personal consultations with our counsellors are encouraged. In our Learning Resources Centre we aim to offer a wide variety of materials to help students research the opportunities available to them. KGV regularly hosts talks from Alumni and University admissions staff at various times throughout the school year.

Year 12 and 13 students work towards either the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma or the International Diploma (ID). The ID is based around the British BTEC qualification, offering students a more vocational route to higher education. Students opt for the Diploma most appropriate to their learning style. They sit examinations at the end of Year 13 and are not awarded mid-year grades.

KGV has a proud tradition of university placements for its graduating classes with the majority of our students going on to study at university. Common destinations include UK, USA, Hong Kong, Canada and Australia.



KGV School Profile 2023-24 (Nov 2023) A4.pdf

Visiting us:

We welcome visits from universities and colleges to speak to our students and/or counsellors. Best times to visit are during morning student lunch breaks (13:30-14:15), Tuesday to Thursday. 

NOTE: We cannot guarantee student numbers, since attendance is voluntary.

Contact us:

King George V School 英皇佐治五世學校

2 Tin Kwong Road, Homantin, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍何文田天光道2號

T: +852 2760 6652

E: careers.office@kgv.edu.hk / www.kgv.edu.hk