Labour Efficiency Report
A recent GDS update added Labour Efficiency Reports to the system. This feature allows you to generate reports on the efficiency of your labour.
To access the report go to Reports -> Mechanics & Advisers -> Labour Efficiency Report
Selecting this will display a new window with a date range selector allowing you to generate reports within a specified date range.
Selecting OK will then generate the report ( example below ) The report will display jobs by Mechanic show the Invoice ID, Invoice Date, Customer Reference, Vehicle Registration, Nett cost, Billed hours, Actual worked hours and efficiency in hours and percentage with a total displayed at the end of the report.
In order for the report to correctly display all labour costs it is required that nominal codes have been correctly assigned to the Labour Nominal Group.
To do this go to GDS -> Configuration Settings -> Accounts Settings -> Nominal Codes ( 1. in image below )
When the Nominal Codes window appears.
1. Click Edit.
2. Under Nominal Group clicking the row cell will open a group selection menu.
3. For labour nominal codes select Labour.
4. Once done and click save to save your changes.
(1. Open Nominal Codes window from menu, 2. Nominal Group selector )