District Technical Assistance Review, April 2018

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) has published its final report for the district technical assistance review (DTAR) it conducted in April 2018.  The recommendations address findings made by the review team, who sought answers to the central question, “How can the district extend its efforts to create a safe, nurturing environment in its schools?”

Administration began working on the recommendations once it reviewed them in April.  We have been waiting for this final report to share the recommendations with you, as it provides context for them.  I ask that you read the “rationale” carefully (pp. 4–5), as it will frame future discussions on the recommendations.

While administration is taking immediate steps on the recommendations, strategic planning committees--e.g., the DCIP committee, JSHS SCEP committee, etc.--will also address these findings in their plans for the 2018–19 year.  The committees will use this report, as well as anticipated guidance from NYSED on student social-emotional learning (SEL), to devise improvement strategies regarding student social-emotional developmental health.

I appreciate those of you who contributed to this process, whether that was welcoming reviewers to your classrooms, meeting with them in focus groups, or other impromptu conversations.

NYSED DTAR Final Report--Fallsburg CSD April 2018.pdf