Employee Recognition

Employee Recognition:  Another aspect important to increasing employee satisfaction, moral and effectiveness is employee recognition. A great college such as ours earns kudos through the efforts of each and every employee. But we must acknowledge the extra step, the special attention, the super effort, to continue the sparks that provide the best in student service and educational delivery. The ODET Employee Recognition program seeks to reinforce the importance of praise, thanks, and appreciation. The following awards are given throughout the year: BRAVO Awards (Quarterly) and Shining Star Award (annually).

BRAVO Project

A great college such as ours earns its reputation through the efforts of each and every employee. And we must acknowledge the extra step, the special attention, the extraordinary effort of our colleagues in order to fuel the sparks that provide the best in student service and educational delivery. The BRAVO Project reinforces the importance of praise, thanks, recognition and appreciation.


Thanks to this project, you have access to BRAVO cards. Please take a moment and send one to someone to say thanks for a job well done. The recipient of your card, whether a student worker, faculty member, classified staff, or administrator, will thank you. If you run out of cards, contact our ODET Department for more. 

BRAVO Awards

Each quarter, BRAVO Awards are given to recipients who have displayed extraordinary service. The presentation takes place in Gateway 352 where refreshments are served and the BRAVO mugs presented. To nominate a colleague for a BRAVO Award, send the name and a brief explanation of their accomplishment to Avery Christenson at avery.christenson@edmonds.edu

BRAVO Award Recipients

Check out who has earned an award so far in the BRAVO link in the sidebar or the check out historic events below!