ODET Policies

College Procedures for Professional Development

Release Time for Professional and Personal Development Events on Regular Class Days:

Participation in ODET training and development programs and events must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor. If approval is granted, the employee may attend the training as part of his/her normal working day as release time.

Release Time for Training and Development on Non-Class Days:

To the extent reasonably possible, the college shall allow classified employees equivalent opportunity to attend staff development and training events on days when the campus is closed to the public. (Classified Negotiated Agreement).

Training Records:

ODET keeps a record of all people who attend ODET sponsored trainings. If you would like a copy of your own training record, contact Avery Christenson in the ODET Office. This is especially recommended if you are developing or updating your Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Completion Certificates:

If you need documentation of having completed an ODET training and would like a certificate of completion, contact Avery Christenson in the ODET Office.

Additional Professional Development Opportunities for Classified & Exempt Employees:

In addition to ODET sponsored trainings, there are several ways college employees can access professional development opportunities.

Tuition Waivers:

State employees who are permanent and are employed at least half-time, are eligible to take college classes at a reduced cost and on a space available basis. These classes must be state support, not self support classes. If you have questions about the status of a class contact the Registration Office. Also note that employees wanting to take a class during scheduled working hours must have their supervisor’s approval. For a Tuition Waiver form, contact the Human Resources Office at 640-1400.

Classified & Professional/ Exempt Staff Development (CSD & PESD) Funds:

In order to promote and encourage employee training and development, Edmonds Community College has budgeted funds to help support the training and developmental goals of its employees. The ODET Department facilitates processes by which employees may apply for funding.

CSD and PESD Funding is available for individual grants totaling up to $500 per fiscal year until funds are expended. This funding is intended to support the training and development goals, developed by employees with the support of their supervisors and recorded in their IDP (Individual Development Plan). Sufficient funding does not exist to address all the critical training needs of each individual and department; therefore, departments and divisions will need to support more extensive training costs with the funds that remain within department budgets for that purpose.

For step-by-step application procedures and application forms, visit Professional Development Funds.