
The school uses a Mitel VOIP phone system which is now part of the Diocese phone system.

To get an outside line you need to dial '0'

A complete list of extensions can be found on the extensions page.

Voice messages are delivered to your email.

The staff that don’t have phones will have a 400 number and can’t be dialled directly from outside the school.

Everyone will need to set up a mailbox before it will work correctly, this can be done from home even if you have a 400 number.

Set up your mailbox greeting and pin.

The two common handsets are the 5320e and the 5340e, the only difference is the 5340e has twice the number of programmable buttons.


Mitel 5340e

Quick Reference Guide

Two cordless phones are available in Leaders area between the Leaders printer and the IN trays.

To access the admin menu on the 5624 enter 40022 while in the setup menu.

Mitel 6940

Quick Reference Guide

The conference room has a new phone that is designed for conference rooms

Mitel MiVoice Conference phone

Quick Reference Guide

More help can be found here