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Read and download Patrick LeMont Schmidt book Understanding American and German Business Cultures: A Comparative Guide to the Cultural Context in Which American and German Companies Operate in PDF, EPub online. Free Understanding American and German Business Cultures: A Comparative Guide to the Cultural Context in Which American and German Companies Operate book by Patrick LeMont Schmidt.

by Patrick LeMont Schmidt

Understanding American and German Business Cultures: A Comparative Guide to the Cultural Context in Which American and German Companies Operate

Author : Patrick LeMont Schmidt

Pages : 72

Publisher : Meridian World Press

Brand :

ISBN : 0968529305

Publication Date : 1999-3-1

Synopsis: This useful guidebook is the only intercultural text that explains the different organizational behaviors between Germany and the United States. The comparative method is used so that the reader is able to immediately grasp where the differences are and become conscious of his or her own national uniqueness — an ideal tool for overcoming intercultural misunderstand ings. Whether German or American, this book will stimulate your understanding of both sides to an increasingly important partnership-equation. In seven chapters, the reader will discover: Culture The unspoken assumptions of a culture Theoretical frameworks Psychology Characteristics of Germans and Americans Historical analysis of the two psychologies.

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