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by Chris Field

Disrupting for Good: Using Passion and Persistence to Create Lasting Change

Author : Chris Field

Pages : 144

Publisher : Leafwood Publishers

Brand : eng

ISBN : 1684260019

Publication Date : 2018-3-13

Synopsis: What does it mean to live fully, abundantly, and with abandon?Disrupting for Good shares powerful stories you’ve never heard about people like you who are taking on the challenges around them and reshaping lives. From a preschool teacher creating a cross generational program with a nearby nursing home to a young girl cleaning up the trash in her neighborhood, these stories proclaim the truth: anyone can make positive change.Our world is in desperate need of people who talk less and do more. Change in our own lives and those around us begins when we ask good questions and then dream, dare, and do. In this book, Chris will show you how to become a disruptor who cannonballs off the cliffs of complacency and changes the world around you. Great adventures await all of us. Are you ready?.

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