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by Christine Jaszay

Ethical Decision-Making in the Hospitality Industry

Author : Christine Jaszay

Pages : 464

Publisher : Pearson

Brand :

ISBN : 0131136801

Publication Date : 2005-2-21

Synopsis:With an integrated case study approach, this book offers a comprehensive and reader-friendly method for future managers to learn how to recognize and analyze ethical dilemmas--giving them a strong foundation for making decisions based on sound ethical principles. Prepares readers to manage others successfully by helping them understand and posses the social skills necessary to ensure successful ethical interaction. Throughout the book, an on-going realistic case study of a fictional establishment presents all the possible ethical situations that may come up in the real world.Addresses the behavioral areas that influence the ability to be ethical such as civility, courtesy, problem-solving, diversity, communication, stress management, delegation, time management, and humility. Presents over 50 situations in segments of the case study for identifying the decision options, stakeholders, and the possible consequences to the stakeholders for the various decision options, and any of the Ethical Principles for Hospitality Managers that might be violated by these decisions.For those in human resource and hospitality management positions..

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