Cast and Crew Announcements

You Can't Take It With You - Cast and Crew fees are also paid through My School Bucks

Rehearsals and crew meetings can be found on the calendar page

Crew for You Can't Take It With You

You Can’t Take It With You

Cast in order of appearance

All cast rehearsal on Friday September 6 from 3 to 5:30

Penelope Sycamore Kate Martin

Essie Carmichael Bella Block

Rheba Kaleigh Switzer

Paul Sycamore Meleek Stewart

Mr. De Pinna Joel Runnion

Ed Carmichael Ty Hamel

Donald Logan Zapata

Martin Vanderhof Mr. David Peterson

Alice Sycamore Grace Garry

Henderson Ben Zabikow

Tony Kirby Owen Jenkins

Boris Kolenkhov Mason Plost

Gay Wellington Delaney Bitzer

Mr. Anthony Kirby Noah Rodgers

Mrs. Miriam Kirby Cassidy Gillmor

The Man Max Blessis

Man #2 (Jim) Drew Merkel

Man #3 Lincoln Woytek

Man #4 Ashley Moore

The Grand Duchess Olga Katrina Kamryn Trenda

Male Understudy Max Blessis

Female Understudy Ashley Moore

Chaparral Theatre 24/25 Leadership