Piper Peanut Weighs in on Boy-Girl Parties

Post date: Nov 02, 2017 3:17:7 PM

Published 10/20/17

The drawing above depicts stereotypical situations of boy-girl parties. It is important when going to these parties that you feel comfortable in every situation and don’t feel pressured to do anything you are not okay with, even if people tease you for it; that is their problem, not yours.

Dear Piper,

My friend is throwing a really cool Halloween party. There will be apple-bobbing, a costume contest, scary movies and lots of fun. The only problem is there will be boys there. It also runs until midnight and that’s pretty late for me. I’m not sure if I’m old enough for boy-girl parties yet, and even if I go, I’m not sure how to act once I’m there. I’m worried people will think I’m a loser. Should I go?


Party Paula

Dear Party Paula,

That is a great question! Now that you are reaching an age where the genders are mixing more than ever before, boundaries can be confusing. It is best to make sure you always feel comfortable and be yourself.

Knowing what you are old enough for completely relies on you as an individual. If you feel that you are responsible and mature enough to handle yourself in a situation that may become awkward, by all means go to the party. But if you are worried you might get peer pressured into something you are not ready for or if you won’t have fun, it may be better to just have a few friends over and hangout in a more comfortable situation.

Parents can also be helpful in this decision. Talk to them and lay out the whole situation. Make sure to be completely honest otherwise they will not be able to help to their full potential. It can be awkward, but they have your best interest in mind. Their response may upset you, but you can prove your maturity by remaining calm and talking it out in a reasonable manner. Present your thoughts, allow them space to present theirs and go from there.

If you end up deciding to go, there is no need to act a different way than you would any other day. Everyone else is as nervous as you may be. It is important to make sure you are comfortable and do not do anything you do not want to. If you want to go home early so you are not out until midnight, do it. If people tease you for being a “grandma,” that is their issue. If you need to call someone to come get you in the middle of the party, go ahead and do it. Your safety and well-being comes before whatever anyone else thinks of you.


Piper Peanut