2016 Culture Recap

Post date: Mar 10, 2017 4:17:43 PM

Published 3/10/17

By Will Fitton, '20

Deadpool was one of 2016’s highest grossing movies, earning $782.6 million against a budget of $58 million. The movie is based on the comic series with the same name, focused on Wade Wilson. Flickr // Wikimedia Commons

Best Movie: Deadpool

Deadpool ranked first of best movies in 2016, finishing with 27 percent of the vote. Deadpool was released in February 2016, and is a film adaptation of the comic book character, Wade Wilson. Also known as Deadpool, he a loud-mouthed mercenary with regenerative abilities and marksmanship skills. Starring Ryan Reynolds, the movie follows Wilson on his fight against the villain Ajax, who possesses superhuman strength and agility and does not feel pain.

Wade is originally a Canadian mercenary, who, after learning he has cancer, volunteers to be part of the Weapon X program, which is aimed to provide members with superhuman powers. Ajax attempts to torture him to death so he will be his compliant henchman. The plan fails, and Wilson escapes to take on the alter ego of Deadpool, fighting his way to exact revenge and save his fiance, whom Ajax has kidnapped.

Deadpool’s success helped it become the highest grossing rated R movie of all time. This can be accredited to how closely it followed Deadpool’s witty, sarcastic character from the comics. Combined with Reynolds’ performance and a humorous script, Deadpool is WHHS’ pick for best movie of 2016.

Best of Social/Political Events: 2016 Presidential Election

The presidential election of 2016 sure has been a crazy one. With protests, insults and social media rants alike, it’s safe to say that our country is at one of its most divided times -- racially, socially and politically.

Now-President Donald Trump won against all odds, and while half the country is happy, the other is disappointed, angry and/or scared.

I won’t share my views on the issue right now, because I want to appeal to everyone -- Democrat, Republican or other. It is important for us to realize that we all live in this country, and, love it or hate it, Trump is our president.

With this in mind, I would like to say something to everyone: Our country will not fall into chaos. No states will secede, and no coups will occur. The majority of us will go on with our everyday lives, not thinking about the political scene in this country. Think about it. Do you constantly think about the election and the government every time you have a spare moment? No. You only think of it when someone brings it up, or when you see it in the news.

On this note, I would like to propose something. Instead of looking at someone as a liberal or conservative, let’s look at them as a fellow citizen. I know plenty of good people who supported Trump, and the same with former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Your political values do not define who you are. It is your actions who show everyone else what kind of person you are inside. So let’s stop the fighting, the debating and the name-calling, and let’s come together as one country. Let’s embrace the name of our country: The UNITED States of America.