New Year, New You! A guide to reaching your goals

Post date: Jan 30, 2018 3:43:51 PM

Published 1/26/18

By Grace Berding, '19

1. Arrive early for your class! The people working at the different studios love when people show up early. This allows time to be introduced to the facilities and set up any equipment that you will use during class.

2. Drink a lot of water. The average person should drink about two liters of water per day. Carrying around a water bottle during school could be the little difference you need. Tip: All local Cyclebar studios give out FREE water bottles.

3. Try getting active at least two days a week. Starting small and working up to your goal is the best way to condition your body.

4. Mix up the workouts you do during the week. Aim to do at least one cardio session per week and one muscle building workout per week. Tip: The cardio does not have to be running on a treadmill. There are other high cardio workouts like cycling or boxing!

5. Set small goals for yourself. Realistic, short-term goals help your mind to succeed.

6. Eat healthy. You cannot limit your healthy habits to the gym, or all of your efforts will be ruined due to the junk food you eat afterwards.

7. Have fun! This sounds cliche, but working out is truly finding what works for you. There are all different types of places to exercise across Cincinnati so find the perfect one for you. Tip: The majority of studios in the Cincinnati area offer a first class free promotion, so if you do not end up liking it, you will not be out of your money.