This Week in Politics - Week of Feb. 20

Post date: Mar 03, 2017 3:35:29 PM

Published 3/3/17

By Nick Robertson, '19

Milo Yiannopolous resigned from his position at Breitbart News after a clip was published that makes him appear to defend pedophilia. Breitbart News was ran by Trump's Chief Strategist Steve Bannon until he joined Trump's campaign in the fall of 2016. Courtesy Flickr

Welcome to This Week in Politics, the recurring column covering the highlights in politics for this week.

Saturday, Feb. 18 - Sunday, Feb. 19

    • The 2020 Presidential Race Begins

      • President Donald Trump started the race for the White House 2020 on Saturday with his first official campaign event, a rally in Florida.

        • Trump filed for re-election on Jan. 20, the same day he was inaugurated.

          • Trump’s re-election bid comes two years earlier than any other President in the last 38 years.

          • Most politicians file for re-election early so they can still accept campaign contributions. Over $7 million has been raised for Trump’s 2020 bid as of Feb. 1.

      • During the rally, Trump discussed terrorism, among other national security topics. He listed some terrorist attacks that have happened worldwide, such as Nice, France and then mentioned “what happened last night in Sweden.” There was no terrorist attack in Sweden Friday night, nor has there been in months.

        • This sparked the Swedish embassy to the United States to “ask US officials for explanation” in a tweet.

        • Trump explained the statement by tweeting “My statement as to what's happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden”.

          • Parts of a documentary were broadcast on Fox News, though the Swedish filmmaker has been denounced by Swedish police and government for using quotes out of context and misleading his audience.

        • This is the third major time Trump or his team has seemingly made up terrorist attacks. Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway referenced the “Bowling Green Massacre” while being interviewed on MSNBC, though a terrorist attack has never happened there. Additionally, Press Secretary Sean Spicer referenced an attack in Atlanta which never occurred.

Monday, Feb. 20

    • Trump Names National Security Advisor

      • Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster has been chosen by Trump to replace Gen. Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor on the National Security Council.

        • The National Security Advisor is responsible for the president’s military policy, and gives input on national security decisions, including approving special forces missions.

        • Flynn was forced to resign after it became known that he discussed policy with Russian officials prior to holding his position, and is now under investigation.

        • McMaster has served in the Army since 1984, and has earned two Bronze Stars, a Silver Star and a Purple Heart, among other awards. He has served at the Army Capabilities Integration Center since 2014.

Tuesday, Feb 21

    • New Immigrant Regulations Announced

      • Documents released from the Trump Administration list new regulations that make it easier to deport illegal immigrants easily, even if they are far away from the border or have been in the country for a long period of time.

    • Milo Yiannopoulos Resigns from Breitbart after Pedophilia Scandal

      • The conservative news website Breitbart -- formerly run by Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon -- had its Senior Editor Milo Yiannopoulos resign after a pedophilia scandal.

        • In a podcast, Yiannopoulos defended gay men that have relationships with teenagers, citing his own experiences. Many have viewed this as a defense of pedophilia.

          • Yiannopoulos has denied that he was defending pedophilia, but stands by his statements on gay relationships with young men.

Wednesday, Feb. 22

    • Trump Rescinds Protections for Transgender Students

      • Protections put into place under the Obama Administration were revoked as Trump sides with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, against the recommendation of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

      • The regulation mandated that transgender students have the right to use the bathroom of their gender identity instead of their sex.

    • Two Indian Men Shot in Kansas Hate Crime

      • Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani were both shot at a bar in Olathe, Kansas after getting in an altercation with another man. Kuchibhotla was killed while Madasani and a bystander were injured.

Thursday, Feb. 23

    • Pence, Bannon Speak at CPAC

      • Vice President Mike Pence and Bannon spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington D.C.

        • “If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight, you are sadly mistaken,” said Bannon, pushing his personal narrative of nationalism and political activism.

    • Chemical Weapon Used in Malaysia Murder

      • VX nerve agent was confirmed to be the murder weapon of Kim Jong Nam, the half brother of North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un.

        • The two suspects in custody were allegedly told that the substance that they sprayed on Nam’s face was water and that it was a prank for television.

    • Republican Lawmakers Protested at Town Halls

      • Many Republican senators and representatives were protested at town hall meetings held during Congress’ recess this week. Hundreds attended a town hall for Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), chanting against the repeal of Obamacare, among many of Trump’s other policies.

        • Some lawmakers are now refusing to hold town hall meetings with constituents.

          • Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was invited to a town hall meeting in Tampa Bay. When he refused, the protestors set up a cardboard cut-out of Rubio and aired their complaints to it instead.

Friday, Feb. 24

    • Trump Speaks at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)

      • Trump focused on lambasting the media, saying “they’re very smart, they’re very cunning and they’re very dishonest” during his speech at the annual CPAC.

    • Media Outlets Barred from Daily Press Briefing

      • CNN, The New York Times, Politico, The Los Angeles Times, The Hill, The Daily Mail, BBC, The New York Daily News and Buzzfeed were all barred from attending Spicer’s press briefing.

        • Time Magazine and The Associated Press boycotted the event in solidarity with the other organizations.

        • Fox News anchor Shepard Smith defended CNN on his show, saying “CNN’s reporting was not fake news. Its journalists followed the same standards to which other news organizations, including Fox News, adhere”.