Election Reaction - Extended

Post date: Nov 30, 2016 4:21:52 PM

Emily Glazer, '17

Protest taking place as a result of how people felt from the recent election. Hopefully this isn’t a preview of how we will live together as a society. Photo Courtesy CNN.

This election isn't about who won. Arguing about the election, candidates and results is moot. The election is over and it is time to get along as a society and put aside the differences. It is about us, the people who live in the United States of America. Now, I will discuss my opinions politically, but I am going to equally express my opinion as a human being.

First off, checks and balances do exist. What has been done is just that; it cannot be undone. We will all have the same guaranteed rights that we had yesterday. Those cannot be abolished. Also, playing the rules of checks and balances, no president can become too powerful. Nothing drastic will happen. Our country will not be bursting into flames anytime soon within these next four years. Now, I am not saying flames won't erupt by some natural phenomenon. I’m just saying that no person who holds some degree of political power in our country will ever hold enough power to do so.

Onto a new point, we have all seen the rhetoric played during this election season. I would be lying if I denied myself of some of the fears that I have felt during this season, but I have reassured myself by understanding that those were just words, and those words are beginning to change. No actions have been performed. Nothing has changed in this country yet. Fear will instill in me if and when something in this country changes negatively. For now the term has not begun, I can not begin the panic.

Yes, words have been said, but the truth lies within the actions. Stop acting negatively and feeling undermined - currently, nothing has changed. Who is to say anything will change? Who is to say if things do change it will be for the better or worse? Who is to say some of our fears aren’t just coming from change? We have stayed steady for eight years with Barack Obama; now we are in a shift, and change is scary. I say these are the cards our country was dealt and now we just have to play the game. Give it a chance. Until something seriously changes negatively and affects the people in our country there is no reason to emphasize the worry.

Next, I want to discuss our country in terms of us all being people. If we argue, relationships will only break. Who says they will be able to mend back together? Our country needs respect right now, and this seems to be the only solution that hasn't torn people apart.

No matter your religion or lack thereof, the Golden Rule is universal. We should all treat each other with respect. If we want change, we have to be that change. We will work for it and change will come. Just be kinder. That is all it takes. Don't turn someone away because they're different than you. Don't hold a grudge because someone has an opposing opinion. Let us treat everyone with kindness. Give people the respect they deserve.

Truth be told, no matter what happens in this country and in the future, there will not be a positive outcome if people do not treat others with respect. If anything, we should agree to disagree.

Our country needs kindness. Go out and do something positive. More than ever, our country needs a hug. Now, enough with the apostrophe of the election results, let us go make some change.