The Concordia College Journal of Analytical Chemistry

Volume 10 (2022)

Determination and quantification of trace metals in ashwagandha root extract using atomic absorption

Bretton Badenoch and Jacob Teigen

pp 1-8

Determination of elemental composition of men’s and women’s multivitamins

Theodore C. Eggen and Matthew Locklear

pp 9-16

Determination of cyanocobalamin in B12 supplements using reversed phase HPLC

Colin Schuller, Alexander Hetland, and Erik Lucken

pp 17-24

Determination of phosphate in natural supplements via UV-vis spectroscopy

Ethan Johnson and Dustin Traffie

pp 25-32

Atomic absorption spectroscopy determination of Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, and Zn in cordyceps

Pedro Ortega and Nayuma Rai

pp 32-36

GC-MS determination of caffeine in pre-workout supplements

Mary Remer, Colin Richards, and Ali Younis

pp 37-41

Heavy metal determination in Herbalife® meal replacement powder by ICP-AES

Kiley Schroeder and Kailee Vigen

pp 42-47

Determination of chloride and fluoride anions in two multivitamins through ion chromatography

Jason Tikkanen and Karen Valencia

pp 48-53

This journal is for dissemination of class projects completed by analytical chemistry students at Concordia College in Moorhead, MN. The work has not been subjected to a formal peer review process and should not be treated as such. For more information please contact Prof. Mark Jensen.