INDUSTRIAS HABER'S (compressed air)

Pilot Project

"Introduction to Energy Efficiency and Energy Management Systems in SMEs in Mexico"

Example of energy efficiency improvement Industrias Habers S.A. de C.V.: Implementation of efficient compressed air systems.

Background information

The implementation of the pilot project began with the introductory workshop to ISO 50001:2011 in October 2015. The companies then conducted energy audits to identify and prioritize various opportunities for improvement, under the guidance of Mexican consultants with expertise in energy efficiency.

Industrias Habers S.A. de C.V is a textile company located in the industrial park of Santiago Tianguistenco. One hundred percent Mexican and with over 300 stores throughout the country and in Guatemala, it plays an important role in men’s suit production at the national level and supplies prestigious companies such as IMSS, Palacio de Hierro, Banamex and Liverpool.

Description of the improvement

Industrias Habers has 3 compressors in operation, which account for 45% of the electricity bill for the 300 kVA substation; one 100 hp unit and two 50 hp units – generating 970 CFM or 790 ACFM (22,260 l/min) – and a 1,300 litre air tank. However, the useful air consumption is 335 ACFM (9400 l/min), meaning that over 50% of the air produced is lost through leaks and bad practices inside the plant.

Industrias Habers has a short-term action plan in place, which involves the implementation of a closed network system aimed at significantly reducing losses due to displacement as well as conserving pressure in the work areas, in addition to leaving one of the 50 HP compressors for back-up only, which will lead to a 33% saving in the compressors’ current energy consumption.

Savings achieved, results and additional benefits

It should be noted that the analysis conducted during the course of the energy audit and the conclusions reached served as the basis for the review and subsequent redesign of an existing system as well as the improvement of its energy performance.

The Mexican National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE) and the German Metrology Institute (PTB) make the aforementioned project available to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in order for them to implement an energy management system (EnMS) according to ISO 50001, by strengthening the skills of technical staff within each company. For more information on the pilot project, contact Lissette Mendoza Barrón, Tel. 3000 1000 ext. 1318, or Susanne Wendt,