Watercolor Painting

Watercolor Techniques

Color Theory

Example Art

Art Neouvu

Art Deco

Gothic Design

Page Layout


Art-Making Process

Transferring an Image

Step used to bring a sketch from a practice page onto a final surface.

Sketch > Prepare Image > Transfer Lifework > Finalize an image onto watercolor paper

Online Resources

Naomi VanDoren

The Art

I love creating worlds that reflect my deep desire for adventure, exploration, and magical imagination. Often my artwork revolves around imaginative worlds, epic fantasy environments, and visual storytelling, and I am often inspired by a location or the feeling embodied in an area I have visited. Many of my paintings include small figures in contrast with immersive landscapes to emphasize scale and depth. I currently work primarily in watercolor but am always trying new things and looking for novel ways to enchant my audience.

The Artist

I am an artist and have spent much of my life abroad. I grew up in the Spice Islands of Indonesia. A childhood of travel and immersion into a variety of cultures at such a young age has left me with the desire to explore the earth and share my experiences through art.

I have a formal education in graphic design and began pursuing illustration on my own after moving to Japan in 2013. I dove deep into painting digitally full time, and my passion for drawing and painting blossomed. In 2015, I experienced painting in watercolor for the first time and found it to be the perfect medium for traveling and I haven't put it down since.