Music Theory

Music Theory Class Code: rfpjvmf

Music Theory Class Mission Statement:

Students will learn essential elements of music, diatonic harmony and tonicization, chromatic harmony and form, and the science of music and the brain through traditional analyzation, replication, and auralization western music theory practices. Students will also learn basic guitar skills through standard guitar techniques.

Theory Website

Familiarize yourself with It contains many different review lessons and exercises that will greatly help you understand and reinforce the concepts that we will be talking about in class. If you have a smart phone, there are also two apps associated with this web site. They are "Theory" and "Tenuto". The apps do cost a few dollars, but they are not required for this course.


The text book that we are using is called "Theory and Analysis Second Edition by Jane Piper Clendinning and Elizabeth West Marvin". A hard Copy will be provided in class, but electronic versions of this book are available if you choose to purchase them.

Theory is a "Bring Your Own Device" friendly course. We do have computers and iPads for the students to use, but if they would prefer to bring their own, I would highly encourage them to do so. My plan is to accomplish as much as I can using digital texts, hand outs, and worksheets.

All classroom assignments, materials, and posts for this course can be accessed through Google Classroom. Click the link and enter the classroom code: ba2n5q