Startup the setup (G0.320)

Procedure for startup

Before you can start any measurement there are a few steps that need to be done.

- Immobilize HJ on the slide with the base mix

- Turn on the lights above the measurement table (1)

- Open the measurement program (Single-Practicum)

- Select “experiment” in the menu bar and select TIR (this is the measurement window)

- Check whether the cooler of the camera is on

- Ensure that the dial on the base of the microscope is set to 2 (2)

- Take the lens with a flat surface (on the microscope)

- Set the switch on the left corner “up” (3)

- Make sure that the shutter is closed (2nd switch from the left, down) (4)

- Put on the laser goggles

- Turn “laser on” light on (located right next to the door)

- Turn laser on (5)

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