Dates: 9/11-9/15

AVID A-Day Weekly Email: 9/11-9/15

Progress Reports: Quarter 1 progress reports have been posted on Aeries. I encourage students and parents to take time to review the grades and any related comments. I encourage you to have discussions with your child about their grade to help them reflect on things that are going well and places that need improvement. If you have any questions regarding your child's grade in my class, please feel free to email me.

Weekly Update: This week we will be finishing our Me in a Bag presentations, setting goals, and learning about notetaking. The first set of journals is due on Monday.

Monday: In class, we will complete Journal #10. Then, we will set a goal for the remainder of the quarter. Finally, we will finish the Me in a Bag presentations.

Wednesday: In class, we will complete Journal #1 on the new set of journals. Then, we will learn about notetaking.

Friday: In class, we will complete Journal #2. Then, students will practice what they have learned about notetaking by watching and taking notes on a few TED talks.