Dates: 8/14-8/18

I am Mrs. Michaelis, your child's AVID elective teacher. (Or, you are receiving this email by mistake!) Each week I try to send home an email that outlines what we are doing in class, any due dates, or other important class information. If you find these emails to be a bit too much, please let me know and I can remove your email from the distribution list.

Please keep in mind that these emails provide an outline, but that the actual class may deviate from the original plan. The most up-to-date due dates will always be posted in Google Classroom. 

Weekly Update: This week we will be learning about what AVID is and the expectations for staying in AVID. We will then be working on a get-to-know-you activity called Me in a Bag. We will also be working on journals, as we do each day.

Tuesday: In class, we will complete Journal #1. We will then go over what AVID is and go over the AVID contract.

Thursday: In class, we will complete Journal #2. If we did not go over the contract on Tuesday, we will go over it on Thursday. The rest of the class will be for setting up the Me in a Bag assignment by going over the expectations and how it will be graded.