Dates: 4/8-4/12

7th English A-Day: 4/8-4/12

Minimum Days: Please note that Thursday and Friday are minimum days with an early release time of 12:35 PM.

Husky Showcase: Husky Showcase is this Thursday. This is an opportunity to preview upcoming elective classes and view some of the materials used in classrooms this year. This is not a traditional open house, but it will allow students to explore their options for next year.

Weekly Update: This week, we will take a break from reading The Giver and read informational texts about banned books, as this is a related topic from The Giver. Students will read an article with both opinions presented and then take their own positions and write a structured argumentative paragraph.

Tuesday: In class, we will read for 15 minutes. Then, we will complete quick write #7. After, we will read and annotate an article about banned books.

Thursday: In class, we will read for 15 minutes. Then, we will work on completing a graphic organizer and structured paragraph based on the article from Tuesday.

7th Grade English B-Day: 4/8-4/12

Minimum Days: Please note that Thursday and Friday are minimum days with an early release time of 12:35 PM.

Husky Showcase: Husky Showcase is this Thursday. This is an opportunity to preview upcoming elective classes and view some of the materials used in classrooms this year. This is not a traditional open house, but it will allow students to explore their options for next year.

Weekly Update: This week, we will take a break from reading The Giver and read informational texts about banned books, as this is a related topic from The Giver. Students will read an article with both opinions presented and then take their own positions and write a structured argumentative paragraph.

Monday: We will go to the library as a class. In class, we will read quietly for 10 minutes. Then, we will complete quick write #6.

Wednesday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. Then, we will complete quick write #7. After, we will read and annotate an article about banned books.

Friday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. Then, we will work on completing a graphic organizer and structured paragraph based on the article from Tuesday.