Dates: 12/4-12/8

7th English A-Day: 12/4-12/8

Story Writing Project: For the rest of the semester, students will be working on writing their own stories. We will learn different story writing techniques while students draft their stories. Stories will be due on the last day of school for the semester, 12/21. 

Weekly Update: This week, we will begin learning about and working on our writing project.

Monday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. After, students will learn four different strategies for starting a story.

Wednesday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. Then, we will learn about descriptive writing, also known as: "show, don't tell."

Friday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. Then, we will have time to plot out stories and draft the beginning of the story.

7th Grade English B-Day: 12/4-12/8

Story Writing Project: For the rest of the semester, students will be working on writing their own stories. We will learn different story writing techniques while students draft their stories. Stories will be due on the last day of school for the semester, 12/21. 

Weekly Update: This week, we will begin learning about and working on our writing project.

Tuesday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. After, students will learn four different strategies for starting a story.

Thursday: In class, we will read for 10 minutes. Then, we will learn about descriptive writing, also known as: "show, don't tell."