INtroductory Unit 

Identity & Community 

To begin the year, please explore the resources for an Identity and Community unit helping classrooms explore the question "What is the identity of my community, and how do I fit into it?".

Create your own sequence of community-building lessons:

Learning about your students, and establishing a strong classroom community is an essential step for students so that they may connect to the social studies curriculum, and participate in deep, meaningful learning. 

(Day 1) Getting to Know Each Other: What's in a name? 

(Day 2) Exploring Individual Identity: Who am I?

(Day 3) Complicating the Concept of Community: What does it mean to be a "community"?

(Day 4) Creating a Classroom Contract: How can we build community together?

(Day 5) Introducing Historical Thinking: Where is the "story" in history?

Helpful Opening and Closing Routines to start the year with an emphasis on social-emotional development and awareness (includes fist to five, mood meter, etc) and checking in on student well-being. 

Helpful Sources(links): 

Learning for Justice

Stanford History Education Group (SHEG):  Reading Like A Historian