
Addressing the ball: placing the ball and the club in a position to hit the ball.

Club: the equipment used to hit the golf ball. There are many different varieties of the clubs to use in golf depending on where you want to the ball to travel.

Divot: A clump of dirt that is taken out from the grass with the golf club when striking the ball.

Etiquette: the proper rules to follow

Fairway: the area between the tee off area and the green where the grass is cut short

Putt: a shot used on the green using a putter.

Caddy: the person who carries and manages the golfer's equipment and gives the golfer advise.

Rough: the area on the outside edges of the fairway that is usually taller grass.

Out of bounds: the area outside of the rough.

Hazard: Natural and man-made areas on the course to increase the difficulty of the golf course. Water hazards, bunkers, and sand traps are included.

Checklist for full swing in Golf:


knees relaxed or bent

feet shoulder-width apart


two knuckles showing

thumb positions


left arm straight

eyes on the ball

Swing and contact:

eyes on the ball

head down

swing though the ball


clubhead follows the ball