Sundia Yoyo

Many students inquired about the yoyos when I first introduced this sport at Begich in 2011. I did a quick search online and the Sundia official website listed $48.50 for the style and model I wanted. I could not afford the high price!

In 2012, I visited my family in Taiwan and had contacted the company directly about purchasing. My mother, who was a retired elementary teacher (she taught 42 years in Taiwan), noticed how passionate I was about introducing this activity, bought a class set of 30+ yoyos for me as a gift for my completion of my teaching certification.

In 2014, while I was juggling between Begich and Scenic Park, more students begged about buying their own yoyos. I contacted the company from here but they did not want to accept US dollars for my purchase. My mother again helped by sending the company money first and 90 yoyos were sent directly to Begich and Scenic Park. The price went down to $25 from the direct purchase from Taiwan.

I do not have any yoyos left at this time. Things have changed quite a bit since 2011 and now the company have released the sale to many companies in the US. Amazon and YoYoSam seem to have the best prices for the Fly series (long axle) that I particularly favor. On Amazon, different colors are listed separately and the prices are sometimes different. The link I included will take you to a purple one but you can find others from there. YoYoSam might have additional shipping fee added for Alaska.