Library News 2017-2018

Reading to Unwind

posted May 3, 2018, 9:34 AM by Stacy Kitsis [ updated May 4, 2018, 9:26 AM ]

As we head into the final stretch, you might be stressed! Check out this presentation on READING TO UNWIND from Wellness Day for five great reasons to pick up a book today.

Buttons for Books

posted Apr 4, 2018, 9:24 AM by Stacy Kitsis [ updated Apr 28, 2021, 11:30 AM ]

The Student Library Advisory Committee pleased to announce the return of our popular BUTTONS FOR BOOKS fundraiser!

For $2.00 we will turn your creative vision into a delightful, fashionable, classic two-inch button. You can use our PowerPoint template for digital designs, our print template to draw something original, or even browse for an eye-catching picture in one of our old magazines - we can cut it out and turn it into a button!

Look for the button table during all three lunches the week of April 9 or after school in the library. Bulk orders for clubs, classes, and tight-knit friend groups are welcome and special pricing is available.

Support YOUR library and buy BUTTONS FOR BOOKS today!

Source: Buttons designed by the talented Lara Heermance, used here with her permission

Introducing NoodleTools

posted Feb 5, 2018, 12:10 PM by Stacy Kitsis [ updated Feb 5, 2018, 12:14 PM ]

We are excited to announce the district's NEW subscription to the NoodleTools research platform for citations, note-taking, and outlining. A what tool? No, no, NoodleTools!

You may be aware that the school version of EasyBib is being DISCONTINUED by its publisher this spring and critical functions like note-taking have already been retired, although the limited free version and paid individual subscriptions will continue. You may have also noticed that the advertising on EasyBib has increased dramatically in the past year and be looking for a less distracting interface. We've got you covered!

NoodleTools is a research platform that fully supports multiple citation styles, note-taking, and outlining. It is integrated with Google Docs and allows users to collaborate and share their work with teachers (and librarians, wink, wink!) for feedback.

There are three ways to get started with NoodleTools:

  • From Drive, click the G Suite NoodleTools button (click the Google "waffle" menu at the top right of any Google apps screen, then click "More")

  • Go to and enter your Spyponders username under "Access via G Suite"

  • Use our direct link for students:

The first time you enter you will need to create a new account and select your school and year of graduation. If you need help logging on please see me or check out this short tutorial.

We will be rolling out more training in the coming weeks but if you are ready to get cracking, please check out these online tutorials, archived webinars, or reach out to me.

Free Books ... and a Latte On Us!

posted Nov 15, 2017, 1:24 PM by Stacy Kitsis [ updated Nov 16, 2017, 8:06 AM ]

We are VERY excited to announce our membership in the Commonwealth eBook Collections, a statewide e-book purchasing consortium that allows us to provide access to a huge library of great titles at a fraction of the cost! Get best-selling e-books and audiobooks downloaded to your computer, tablet, or smartphone for FREE.

Sign up between now and December 15 and we will enter you in a drawing for a $5 coffee gift card, so you can curl up with a great e-book and a latte on us over the holidays.

What are you waiting for? Follow our online instructions to get started today!

Opposing Viewpoints is Back

posted Nov 6, 2017, 11:43 AM by Stacy Kitsis [ updated Nov 6, 2017, 11:45 AM ]

Great news for people who like to argue: our biggest database for hot-button, contemporary, debatable issues is back after a brief hiatus.

If you are researching a contemporary issue or policy, preparing for a debate, or just interested in the world around you, be sure to check out OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS IN CONTEXT.

See the online database passwords (or grab a bookmark or stickers from the front desk) for access.

Draw in a Library Book

posted Oct 19, 2017, 8:50 AM by Stacy Kitsis

Bookplates, also known as ex-libris, are decorative labels placed in the front of books bearing the name of the owner. Simple or ornate, they often feature beautiful design and artwork.

All students are invited to submit designs for bookplates to commemorate donations to the AHS Media Center for awesomely amazing and amazingly awesome annual ADOPT A BOOK fundraiser. The top designs will be selected for our annual bookplate catalog.

Download the submission form and make YOUR mark on the library today ... or no later than Thu. November 2 to be considered for the first round!

Read a Banned Book

posted Sep 29, 2017, 7:51 AM by Stacy Kitsis

Celebrate the right to read by checking out a banned or challenged book today! See our display of recent challenges in the front of the library or watch this video of last year's 10 most challenged books ... you might recognize a few!

Learn more at the Banned Books Week coalition website or our own library pathfinder. Words have power!