Banned & Challenged Books

Created by Lydia Guterman. Last updated: April 1, 2022.

Image used with permission of the American Library Association

For this assignment, you will choose a banned, censored, or challenged book to read independently. After reading, you will determine whether or not its contents merit censorship and/or to what extent. This page features resources to help you get started with thinking about book bans, censors, and challenges. 

The American Library Association (ALA) defines a challenged book as an attempt "to remove or restrict materials, based upon the objections of a person or group." A banned book is when a book challenge is successful and the the book is removed from the intended location (school, public library, etc). You can learn more about the ALA's stance on book banning on their website.

Locating a book 

In addition to the books we've pulled for your class, here are just some of the other places you can find books:

Books about Banned & Challenged Books

Check our library catalog for actual challenged and/or banned books, as well as works on the author and other related works. These are a few great surveys of banned book cases:

Online Resources about Banned & Challenged Books

Researching Banned & Challenged Books

Do you want to SEARCH this kind of content? Here are some tips for searching, whether you’re in Google or a library database.

Use quotation marks to find complete phrases, especially proper names and titles. For example:

Combine keywords to get articles that match each of your important concepts. For example:

By adding the “AND” you are limiting your results to sources that include both of the terms.

Target your Google search to specific domains by doing entering your search term followed by "site:[domain]". For example:

Play around. Both and are great for this assignment.

Check your spelling when you are searching. Sometimes a misspelled word prevents you from finding all of the resources you can!

These documents outline policy for book challenges and selection in Arlington Public Schools, for your info: