Modern Africa Zine Project

Created by Lydia Guterman, MEd Candidate, Salem State University. Last updated: May 11, 2022.

For your final project, you will be making a zine about a topic of your choice relating to modern Africa. Below is lots of information on zines, possible topics, and how to get started with your research! 

Image: The Floating Music Hub in Cape Verde. Source: Kriolscope agency. 

Choosing a Topic

You do not have many constraints for choosing your topic—after all, you have a whole continent to think about! In order to choose a topic, you will want to do some pre-research, or presearch, to start generating ideas. If you already are set on a topic, wonderful! If not, take a look at some e-resources that we have access to and just do some exploring around. You'll be able to use these same sources later, too, when you have a research question. You can also take a look at our Resources A-Z page for more databases. 

We also have several ebook and print resources you can look through. Here are just a few. You can always look at our library catalog for more! Our collection includes...

Possible Topics

In addition to the topics mentioned on your assignment sheet, these are just a few topics that came to mind while creating this pathfinder. You're going to be spending a substantial amount of time on the project, so make sure you like your topic! What interests you? 


So, you've picked a topic and now you're ready to research. It's time for keywords. Keywords are the search terms you use to find information about a topic or research question in a database. If you've ever looked in the index of a nonfiction book to find something, then you have seen tons of examples of keywords!

Keyword tips: 

Use quotation marks to find complete phrases, especially proper names and titles. For example:

Combine keywords to get articles that match each of your important concepts. For example:

Check your spelling when you are searching. Sometimes a misspelled word prevents you from finding all of the resources you can!


For your final project, you will be submitting your work in the form of a zine. Zines are self-published print booklets/pamphlets that are usually produced in small batches. The UNC Chapel Hill Libraries has a great blog post with more detail on the history of zines:  "A Brief History of Zines." Ultimately, we chose zines as the format for this project because of the history of zines being used for subversive purposes. After all, part of this project is subverting stereotypes about modern Africa. 

Examples of zines:

Zine collections: 

Notes from Class Meetings: