Year 7 Term 2

Spreadsheets, Modelling and Simulations

   In this lesson you will learn the skills required to model and handle data using a spreadsheet.

Teacher PPT

Microsoft Excel Tutorials

Video: Cell basics

Tutorial: Worksheet basics

Extension: Watch this video on spreadsheets and take the spreadsheet test. 

1. What am I?

2. The gold mine

   In this lesson you will learn how to use functions and formulae to perform mathematical calculations

In this lesson you will create a spreadsheet following the plan outlined under the link 'Sports Day Results Spreadsheet'. You will need to use functions and format the spreadsheet as required.

This lesson you will learn how to create if statements, use conditional formatting and use the count function.

In this lesson you will continue working on creating your food calculator using Excel. You may want to design the spreadsheet on paper before you progress any further. 

As you progress with the development of your Food Calculator, take a look at this self-assessment sheet. What level are you currently on and what do you need to do to improve?

In this lesson you will finish your calculator. This is a good time to review the brief in order to ensure you have fulfilled all the original criteria. 

In this lesson you will evaluate your calculator and your own performance.Was your spreadsheet successful? Why/why not? Did it meet all the success criteria? What could be improved?



In this lesson you will create a quiz, which will use functions such as if, countif and formatting techniques to make an enjoyable quiz for the user.