
In this introduction lesson you will learn what components make a computer system


Extension task:

Teacher PPT

Find out and explain why RAM, ROM and virtual memory are needed in a computer system.


Extension tasks:

In the lesson today we will be finding out what is a raspberry pi and what we can do with it.

1. What is a Raspberry Pi (Teacher PPT)

Label the pi (worksheet)

1. Python programming challenges

2. Raspberry pi 'builder' projects.

In this lesson we are going to create a quick reaction game using Scratch.

Example reaction game

Reaction game tutorial

Teacher PPT

Extension: Count down timer (Needs additional hardware)

In this lesson we are going to use some physical components to make a marshmallow burp.

Burping jelly baby tutorial

GPIO Pin layout

Teacher PPT

GPIO pi label

In this lesson we will be learning how to use the software Sonic Pi to create some music. This is an example of Audio programming. Click here for an example of what audio programming sounds like.

Sonic pi PPT

Sonic Pi worksheet 1

Sonic Pi worksheet 2

Midi keyboard

Sonic pi video tutorial

Sonic pi written tutorial

This is the second part of the lesson of making music using Sonic Pi. This lesson we will attempt to recreate a Christmas song

Sonic pi teacher PPT.

Sonic Pi worksheet 1

Sonic Pi worksheet 2

Midi keyboard

Jingle bells music

Example code

Sonic pi video tutorial

Sonic pi written tutorial

In this lesson we will be using Python to simulate a computer with artificial intelligence.


Teacher PPT

Chat bot worksheet

What is the Turing test?