3.8 Ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy
Exam questions will be taken from the following areas:
• cyber security
• mobile technologies
• wireless networking
• theft of computer code
• issues around copyright of algorithms
• cracking
• hacking
• wearable technologies
• computer based implants.
Students will be expected to understand and explain the general principles behind the issues rather than have detailed knowledge on specific issues.
Students should be aware that ordinary citizens normally value their privacy and may not like it when governments or security services have too much access. Students should be aware that governments and security services often argue that they cannot keep their citizens safe from terrorism and other attacks unless they have access to private data.
Ethical, legal & environmental concerns
Privacy issues
Impacts and risk on digital technology on societies
Ethical impacts
Are you addicted to your smart phone?
What is a pace maker?
Ethical dilemma- self driving car
Amazon warehouse run by robotos
Environmental impacts
Legislation and privacy