4.1 Programming videos

Data types

Basic constructs


Arithmetic operators

Boolean operators

String handling

Radom number generation


Parameters of subroutines


Local & Global variables

Structured programming

File handling

Programming paradigms

Understand the characteristics of the procedural- and object-oriented programming paradigms, and have experience of programming in each.

Procedural paradigm

Understand the structured approach to program design and construction.

 Be able to construct and use hierarchy charts when designing programs. 

Be able to explain the advantages of the structured approach.

Object oriented programming (OOP)

Object orientated programming (OOP)

Be familiar with the concepts of: 

• class • object • instantiation 

• encapsulation • inheritance 

• aggregation • composition 

• polymorphism • overriding.


Know why the object-oriented paradigm is used. Be aware of the following object-oriented design principles: 

• encapsulate what varies 

• favour composition over inheritance 

• program to interfaces, not implementation.

OOP Part 3

OOP Part 4

OOP Part 5 

Additional resources


Python cheat sheet

Perse coding cheat sheet.pdf