Race Ethnicity Jigsaw

Ethnicity and Race Jigsaw

LT: I can explain why ethnicity face conflict and cite historical examples.

Step 1:

Each table will get a different ethnic or racial conflict.

1. United States - “Separate but equal” (154)

2. South Africa - apartheid (155)

3. United Kingdom - combining ethnicity (158)

4. Kurds - dividing an ethnicity (158)

5. Lebanon - combining ethnicity (159)

6. Sri Lanka - combining ethnicity (159)

7. The Balkans - ethnic cleansing (162-163)

8. Sudan - genocide (164)

9. Rwanda - genocide (165)

Step 2:

With your group, you will read about your conflict, using both your book and the internet.

You will confer (talk to one another) about what you have read about found.

You will come up with a 1-2 minute explanation of your conflict.

Step 3:

You will become the teacher.

You will be traveling to a new group that has no idea what your conflict is about.

Your job is to tell the others about your conflict in 1-2 minutes.