Unit 1 Study Guide

Unit 1: Basic Geographic Skills Unit Guide

LT 1: I will be able to create a mental map of the world.

Textbook Section(s): None

1. Reflect on the mental mapping activity. How did your map turn out? What parts of the world did you draw accurately? What parts of the world did you leave out? Why do you think that is?

LT 2: I can identify and analyze the impact that map projections and distortions have on the world.

Textbook Section(s): 1.1, 1.3

1. What is a map projection?

2. Why does map distortion occur?

3. What are the three types of map projections?

4. How can different map distortions impact the way that we view the world?

LT 3: I can identify and apply basic map features.

Textbook Section(s): 1.3, 1.4

1. Define cartography.

2. List the four basic features that all maps should have.

3. What are the three types of map scales? Give an example of each.

4. Describe the difference between latitude and longitude.

5. Describe each type of map below:

a. Political

b. Physical

c. Thematic Maps

i. Choropleth

ii. Dot-Density

iii. Symbol

LT 4: I can identify and apply the 5 themes of geography.

Textbook Section(s): 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12

1. Define location.

a. What is the difference between absolute and relative location? Provide an example of each.

2. Define place.

a. What is the difference between physical and human features of a place?

b. What is placelessness? Where have you seen placelessness before?

3. Define human-environment interaction.

a. Describe two ways that humans can positively interact with their environment.

b. Describe two ways that humans can negatively interact with their environment.

4. Define region.

a. What is a formal region? Provide one example that we did not use in class of a formal region.

b. What is a vernacular/nodal region? Provide one example that we did not use in class of a vernacular region.

c. What is a functional region? Provide one example that we did not use in class of a functional region.

5. Define spatial interaction/movement.

a. What is diffusion?

b. What is a node?

c. Identify, DRAW, and give one example of each type of diffusion.

i. Relocation diffusion

ii. Expansion diffusion

1. Hierarchical diffusion

2. Contagious diffusion

3. Stimulus diffusion