Agriculture Pretest

Chapter 10 – Agriculture Unit Quiz

1) In contrast to those who practice agriculture, hunters and gatherers

A) live near the center of world settlements.

B) domesticate animals.

C) travel frequently.

D) cultivate plants from a variety of hearths.

2) Farming varies around the world because of ________ across space.

A) cultural and environmental factors

B) religious and economic factors

C) farmer personal preference and environmental factors

D) weather and climate

3) Food consumption varies around the world because of variations in

A) level of economic development.

B) physical conditions.

C) cultural preferences.

D) all of these are responsible for variation in food consumption.

4) Residents of developed countries rely on ________ as the leading source of protein.

A) fish

B) meat

C) dairy

D) cereal

5) Undernourishment is most severe in

A) south Asia.

B) east Asia.

C) Latin America.

D) sub-Saharan Africa.

6) Which of the following has aided 20th century commercial farmers in MDCs?

A) transportation improvements

B) scientific advances

C) electronics

D) All of these have aided commercial farmers.

7) All but which of the following are true of commercial agriculture compared to subsistence agriculture?

A) low percentage of farmers in the labor force

B) crops consumed on the farm

C) heavy use of machinery

D) farm size

8) Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world's people?

A) intensive subsistence

B) shifting cultivation

C) pastoral nomadism

D) hunting and gathering

9) Pastoral nomads

A) are expanding their territory in North Africa and the Middle East.

B) have their own territory, moving with the seasons to find food and water.

C) occupy different territory each year to find forage and water.

D) consume mostly meat, rather than grain.

10) The world leader in land area devoted to organic farming is

A) Canada.

B) the United States.

C) Australia.

D) France.

11) A principal practice of sustainable agriculture is

A) sensitive land management.

B) limited use of chemicals.

C) better integration of crops and livestock.

D) all of the above

12) Slash-and- burn agriculture is most commonly found in which climate region?

A) Humid low-latitude

B) Dry

C) Cold mid-latitude

D) Undifferentiated highlands

13) In what decades did the “Green Revolution” begin?

A) 1920s and 1930s

B) 1930s and 1940s

C) 1940s and 1950s

D) 1960s and 1970s

14) Which of the following is a characteristic of a commercial farm?

A) Machinery

B) Many people help harvest the farm by hand

C) Use of cows to till the land

D) Low crop yields

15) True or False: In developed countries, farmers make up 60% of the population.

A) True

B) False

16) True or False: China has the world’s largest yield of fish.

A) True

B) False

Matching: Match the correct definition to the term.

______Aquaculture A) Capturing fish faster than they can produce

______Agribusiness B) Growing fish in controlled conditions

______Overfishing C) Deliberate modification of Earth’s surface to grow food

______Sustainable Agriculture D) Access to safe and nutritious food at all times

______Food security E) Commercial agriculture/corporate ownership

______Agriculture F) Farming that preserves the quality of land and minimizes pollution