Unit 4-Agriculture-Economics

Name: ______________________________________________________________________Due Date: __________________

Unit 5: Agriculture Unit Guide

LT 1 & LT 6: I can identify the characteristics and inequalities of the agricultural regions of the world.

Textbook Sections: 10.2

    1. Write a brief, 2-3 sentence reflection about the ‘Geography of a Candy Bar’ activity that we completed in class.
    2. Describe the major differences between ‘real’ and ‘processed’ food.
    3. What are the three factors that affect food consumption?
    4. Define the following:
      • Overconsumption:
      • Undernourishment:
      • Malnourishment:
      1. Why is there inequality when it comes to food access around the globe? How does it vary?
      2. Why does the Sahel region in Africa particularly struggle with access to food?
      3. In what ways is hunger a ‘vicious cycle’?

LT 2: I can describe the importance and differences of commercial farming and subsistence farming.

Textbook Sections: 10.4, 10.5,10.6, 10.7

    1. Describe the different characteristics of each type of agriculture:


Types of Subsistence:


Types of Commercial:

    1. What regions of the world typically practice subsistence farming? Why?
    2. What regions of the world typically practice commercial farming? Why?

LT 3: I can describe the evolution of agriculture.

Textbook Sections: 10.1

    1. Define each of the following:
      • Agriculture:
      • Crop:
      1. Fill in notes about each revolution in the chart below:

Origin Hunters & Gatherers

1st Agricultural Revolution



What was the major ‘change’ or revolution?



2nd Agricultural Revolution



What was the major ‘change’ or revolution?



LT 4: I will be able to evaluate how the third Agricultural revolution (the Green Revolution) is affecting food systems, animals, and the choices we have about the food we eat.

LT 5: I can describe the contributions of Norman Borlaug and how he impacted the development of the Green Revolution.

Textbook Section: 10.10

    1. Complete the chart below about the third agricultural revolution:

Third Agricultural Revolution/ Green Revolution



What was the major ‘change’ or revolution?



    1. Who was Norman Borlaug?
    2. Describe the following terms:
      • Biotechnology:
      • GMOs:
      • Pros?
      • Cons?
      • Agribusiness:
      1. What effects does biotechnology and agribusiness have on the way our food is produced and on family farms today?

LT 7: I can use geospatial models to demonstrate agricultural, economical, and technological patterns. (Von Thunen Model).

LT 8: I can identify the regions and produced commodities of Minnesota Agriculture.

    1. Who is Johann Von Thunen? What did he do?
    2. Describe the Von Thunen Model? What does it help us to understand?

Concentric Rings:

    1. The Market

Unit 6: Economic Geography Unit Guide

LT 1: I can describe the inequalities and challenges of development and how it can vary among regions.

Textbook Section(s):

    1. What is the human development index (HDI)?
    2. Countries are categorized under which three levels of development?

    1. Which three indicators does the HDI measure?

    1. What is the gender inequality index (GII)?
    2. Why might the status of women be lower than men in every country? How can we eliminate this?
    3. Complete the chart regarding economic structure:

Primary Sector

Types of jobs:

In what type of countries (less developed, developing, more developed) do most people work in this sector?

Secondary Sector

Types of jobs:

In what type of countries (less developed, developing, more developed) do most people work in this sector?

Tertiary Sector

Types of jobs:

In what type of countries (less developed, developing, more developed) do most people work in this sector?

LT 2: I can describe the Industrial Revolution and how it impacted the transformation of industries today.

Textbook Section(s):

    1. What is the Industrial Revolution?
    2. Where and when did it start?
    3. Where and how did it diffuse?
    4. List and describe the four key developments that occurred during the Industrial Revolution.

      1. List and describe the six effects that the Industrial Revolution had on the world.

LT 3: I can identify site and situation factors that influence decisions about locating industries, including the Weber’s Cost Theory.

LT 4: I can identify the primary factors influencing the regional pattern of economic activities in the United States and the World.

Textbook Section(s):

    1. ¾ of the world’s manufacturing clusters in which three regions?

      1. Define site:
      2. Define situation:
      3. Briefly describe the three main site factors.
      4. Briefly describe the situation factors.
      5. Who is Alfred Weber? Describe his theory.

    1. What are the three main factors in locating an industry, according to Weber’s theory? Take a few notes on each.

      1. Define break-of-bulk point:
      2. What is the difference between a bulk-gaining and a bulk-reducing industry? Give one example of each.