Who really rules/influences/controls planet Earth-list of all major groups

I am preparing a large image which attempts to list all the big groups of political-economic-cultural-'media' power in the world & on planet Earth (even though no one really controls it all!), but the image is very big so it will be uploaded here later on...
But for now, the simplified version showing just a portion of the bigger picture - is shown below [right-click on the image below & select 'Open image in new tab' for full view IF you can't read the text]...

See also: ve4ernik's compiled incomplete list of the illuminati here
NOTE: The Jews central-banksters (+monmat.pdf=„Монетарните матрици“ - http://sfera.zonebg.com ), the Orion-Sirius aliens/extraterrestrials ( http://trufax.org - matrix5 books & 'The Terra Papers 1 & 2, by Robert Morning Sky', & mount Kailash in Tibet & Rome/Vatican & UK+WesternEurope royals) & Russia & China & India & Japan & South Korea - are missing from the below image... the underground tunnels connecting ALL the Great Powers countries & D.U.M.B.S. bunkers & military installations & private large-landowner mansions & large-scale ceremonial rituals with many people involved - are from where the satanists puppeteer the world's events to some extent - 'education'/'academia' & mainstream 'media'/'politicians'/evil 'government institutions' - are just puppets/sellout servants of the big oligarchs & central banksters & intelligence/spy agencies/military armies... almost all internet online social-media networks & chat/VoIP platforms - are just a frontend/facade for the intelligence agencies who are paid by the central banksters & oligarchs...

WEF/Bilderbergers/Davos/illuminati, Jewish central banksters, and China, and USA/EU(SSR) & Russia military+oligarchs/corporations - are the biggest grouping overall, and it also includes UN, IMF+WorldBank, W.H.O., USA CDC, etc. frontends...

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"The Illuminati are a loose alliance of Jewish finance and the British/America/European aristocracy joined by marriage, money, and belief in the occult (Freemasonry). Winston Churchill, a Freemason whose mother was Jewish, fits this description perfectly.   

They own vast interlocking cartels (banking, oil, pharmaceuticals, war, chemicals, minerals, media, etc.) and control society and government through corporate and professional groups, the media, education, secret societies, think tanks, foundations and intelligence agencies. Their goal is "to absorb the world's wealth" (in Cecil Rhodes' words) and control its citizens using war, propaganda, "education" and social engineering.

Nations (Britain, US, Israel), movements (Zionism, Socialism, Nazism, Communism), and people (Americans, Germans, Jews) are their pawns to be sacrificed to their demented megalomaniac scheme for global dictatorship. Bormann's career illustrates how they plant sleeper agents and orchestrate wars to advance this long-term objective."

Quote from https://www.henrymakow.com/ - Martin Bormann - Ran Hitler for the Illuminati - May 8, 2023 & http://parallelreality-bg.com search for "Хитлер" via the search-bar there...

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Webcomics OFFTOPIC on culture-wars & politics:

Ben Garrison's webcomics (political-cultural-social satire & critique):
dogsson's webcomic
cyanide and happiness webcomic
gunnerkrieg court webcomic
tokyopop.com & tokyotosho.info & nyaa.se

historical reoccurrence / patterns of cyclical history

Маистре и https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_French_Suicide , Julius Evola, the post-truth politics, revenge of the real, 'How A.I. & Silicon Valley Went Wrong', частично и radicotradico.wordpress.com, sexualTheRedPill gurus on YouTube.com & rumble.com & d.tube & audible.com & soundcloud.com, & blackpill'd Realpolitik evil theory bros/independent researchers/fringe scientists/magitek techno-magickians, Andrew Tate & JWELLER & RichardCooper/EntrepreneursWithCars, RooshV.com, TheRationalMale, и т.н. бяха доста прави!

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https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2018/mar/20/save-the-planet-half-earth-kim-stanley-robinson = genocidal bullshit







the first baptised/transformed film