
2 идеи за дизайн на прототипи на космически кораби - от ve4ernik ...

I have been collecting images and schematics/blueprints/photos of hypothetical spaceships and real NASA/ESA/Russian spaceships for 2+ years and I have been fascinated by 3D-models of spaceships and I have been interested in sci-fi-inspired designs and design-process of real spaceships (outer-space flying craft/vehicles) and I have been interested in the Earth's Moon, the planet Mars and its possible colonization, and in the moons of the planet Jupiter, and the astroid belt between Mars and Jupiter for many years now...

So, I, ve4ernik, wrote 2 proposals for spaceship design prototypes to be made and tested in vacuum-chambers by ESA / 'NASA' (Jews liars nowadays...) / SpaceX / Jeff Bezos' BlueOrigin / and the space agencies and private space-mission projects by Russia, PRC China, Japan, etc.

Both (two) of these proposals are written in English and can be found in the sub-folder 'posts' from this final archive of ve4ernik's now-abandoned facebook account: . The chronologically-first written idea is presented below as a photo of the sketch of that 1of2 spaceship design prototype/idea - here's a zoomable hyperlink to the photo of the original sketch - ...

... idea 2 of 2: search within the text (Ctrl+F) for " [...] Platonic solids; 3D pyramids with an embedded sphere and engines ON ALL sides (uni-directional thrusters for steering) ... [...] " --- that is the important part of the spaceship design (8-11-12-16-32-64-128-sided Platonic solid, less than 128 sides is more manageable...) --- THIS IDEA IS MORE INNOVATIVE THAN THE 1ST IDEA OF MINE POSTED ABOVE:


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*Regarding my previous post about outer-space colonization:*

Planet Earth is still more important [while housing the majority of alive and functional Earth-born humans] because it has the biosphere and water-bodies and plenty of resources and breathable-air, so _never forget that_... despite eventual outer-space colonization [hopefully, not fake CGI photoshopping and lies and coverups and media disinfo and political crap...]... The other home is not too guaranteed but your current home is still there... so yeah... basic survival&bio-reproduction and human sociobiology group-dynamics land resource-allocation/supply-chains/energy-supply/food-supply&water-supply&electricity+fuel-supply&telecommunications&edu&culture [fuzzy ] logic... ---ve4ernik


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Should we, humans from/of planet Earth, colonize the Earth's Moon, the planet Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and mine some of the asteroids from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and advance real non-fake spaceships and outer-space missions and near-Earth space-stations and satellites?


At the expense of all resources of planet Earth, and by fucking up the poor and the middle class, and only for the super-rich?

Absolutely not. Contrary to popular belief, due to the death rate and not-high birthrates in 'the First World' and 'the Second World' and sadly, the catching-up 'developing Third World', the planet Earth can maintain its current population levels well for 1-2 more centuries unless we self-destruct by then or some cosmic natural disasters or alien invasion kill all or most humans or kill the entire or most of the biosphere of planet Earth...

Although I haven't done any estimates, I'm pretty sure that via materials recycling and untapped resources and renewable resources formed slowly by the lithosphere itself and by artificial manufacturing from currently available resources, that there are enough land&resouces&workforce of humans to feed all of humans 3-8 times per day and have free-ER and basic services and essential-workers supply-chains jobs, AND still have materials for the richer-/bigger-countries (and alliances of countries and international-efforts) to prototype, manufacture, QA-test, and successfully send [maybe also as a one-way-ticket suicide-mission to pierce Mars and still have most of the spaceship survive and salvage materials from the broken parts... ) hundreds of two-way [modular? monolithic? borg-cube-but-spherical-or-conical-or-icosahedron-unidirectional-thrusters or pin-like like the one mentioned on ] different-designs (or smiliar designs but interoperable and compatible in essential aspects and multilingual manuals and outside and inside labelling of HUD interface, etc.) spaceships to the Moon and to Mars and to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (the last is for mining the big rocks on the outskirts which are less likely to collide-crash and get destroyed - see 'Star Wars: KoToR 1 & 2', and Mass Effect 1 & 2 & 3, Halo video-games, Beneath a Steel Sky, Deus Ex: Human Evolution, and more such sorta believable sci-fi video games and films and TV series - for possible scenarios... as well as old-times phantasy 'right-wing-leaning traditionalist' video games like Fable, Age of Empires II, Red Alert 2, TES: Skyrim, etc.). Probes, satellites, and semi-natural---semi-artificially-dug tunnels-gallery and igloo-like networked space houses and space-ports and space-cars/16-wheeled cars and shelter plant food and animals-farms, and intercom satellites and laser-&radio-beaming communication outposts, and on-site assembled vehicles&cranes&diggers&etc. and equipment made of modules and via durable in-space-vaccum-working manual tools/devices as well as medkits and on-board food-packs and water-supply and HVAC-systems and toilets-systems and personal-chambers rooms fitted with all essentials and some extra comforts and intercom, etc. - are all part of the stuff needed to be packed on-board the spaceships. Probably 10-100 people will be in each spaceship (50:50 males:females, with some males in charge, and interpersonal psychologist-sexologist and biologist and physicist and engineer and all-in-one multiskilled-person and other experts should be among the crew, BUT all must be physically trained in top physical condition and good mental state and having trained a lot in simulated vacuum environment (e.g. water pool, etc.) with the real further-developed space-suits {don't forget the extendable magnetically-latching robot-hand-ending hook-rope on the space-suit and the food&water&air supply and far-distance unidirectional&single-direction-pointing intercom, and several layers of suit material and also lights and knife-hammer-digger (multipurpose space 'wrench'/ruler+laser-measurer) and boring-machine and 'Google-Glass-like' zooming-glasses/GUI-assistant like the one used by the fictional Kiva from the MegasXLR animation, and magnetic boots and durable patches for sensors-detected tiny pierced spots on the space-suit, and solar-powered mini-thrusters on the backpack and on the boots, and emergency life-support system, etc. - and small manual-override physical-hardware buttons/handles, and 2-3 parachutes and small plant doing photosynthesis for oxygen in tiny fertile-moist earth-land-soil sample...} - as that is quite useful, don't you think? All those realistic non-bullshit sci-fi colonization space architecture and spaceships and outer-space tech drawings from and and etc. and from NASA et al. - will prove quite useful). Oh yeah, and the data-banks webserver hardware with copies of billions of books and blueprints and short how-to video/audio/text tutorials - also on-board the spaceships, duuuh, as a library is a great resource for ideas both whacky crazy bad and kinda useful and realistic...

P.S. And 80-90 million Americans from the USA who didn't get the 'covid-19' 'vaccines' and did NOT die from that, can't be wrong about NOT trusting the USA government much (no matter who is 'in charge') and BigPharma and billionaires and covid19-vax-supporting Hollywood celebs, the mostly-Jewish-owned USA 'mass media' pushing the covid-19 metanarrative onto the masked sheeple to enforce microchipping and experimental 'vaccines' (or just placebo water to suck billions off of media-brainwashed sheeple put to believe in another fake epidemic which is just another political-ideological global-psyops coverup and unforseen unintended consequences from the spread of wild [new] ideas among dumber people and the abuse of tech leading to dystopian nightmarish world and also the total decadence of society and culture rot and total political corruption and evil governments and fakenews media and collapse of relationships and families and essential-workers supply-chains and trust amongst people towards common goals and common work to maintain the minimum to run society at a mostly-tolerable sorta-comfortable level), and auto-censoring BigTech corporations which are just frontends of the DeepState military-industrial complex&banksters&secret-societies international-mafia!

The 'covid-19' scamdemic/plandemic was THE LAST WAKEUP CALL in case the sheeple weren't awaken by warnings like The Matrix series and dystopian Hollywood sci-fi films and war films and by the false-flag inside-job 9/11 (done by the USA DeepState and maybe also by Jews and Bush, Jr., and maybe also by biological-extradimensional Orion&Sirius aliens/extraterrestrials - for various reasons, including psychic warfare and occult dark mass sacrificial ritual and also to reset the planet's world order and to enforce 'PATRIOT Act' totalitarianism inspired by apocalypticalist literalist-Bible-interpretations by USA 'Christian' masonic/occult-mafioso-oligarch leaders, and also as a real-life self-destruction of the USA to forestall the full self-destruction of the USA and Pax Americana - see 'Escape From NY' film for the geopolitics explanation in short...).

Even if organized central governments collapse naturally or due to widespread mistrust in them and total corruption and inefficiency and bad results in aiding the economy and the people, we still need food-producing farms, mines & oil-rigs & renewable energy-plants, nuclear and hydro and other power plants, 'the Green New Deal' (but realistic and slowly implemented and about renewable-energy power-plants alongside more traditional power-plants and tech inventions, and about slower high-quality bio-eco farming, and some pauses-with-funding&food-stamps-and-private-farming&small-biz-as-compensation in industrial facilities if their effect on the environment is deemed too toxic for people and the biosphere)...

You know, the usual... :)))


P.S. The satellites and 4G-5G-cell-towers and similar EMR-devices (like psychotronics devices: LRAD & V-MAD evil military-tech and HAARP and similar elsewhere, and telescopes and radio-signals-for-aliens and numbers-stations, etc.) and evil-microchipping pushes, and electromagnetic-spectrum for ham-radio and other technological-uses, etc. - obviously need country-specific regulations and public oversight&technical-diagnostics&inspection, or they may end up harming us in very bad evil dystopian ways... Just sayin', don't punch me in the face that I didn't warn you all!!!

(cc) 2022 ve4ernik


'So, what stopped us colonizing outer-space in 2019-2022, ve4ernik, and why did you decline hundreds of millions of funding for your R&D self-thaught expertise?'

'Same things like in the 1960s-1970s, kid: women fucked up all, men in-fighting for women and for money/resources/fame/playing-god lawlessness and amorality power-kick egotism and power-hunger, collapse of trust and communication and collaborative work despite differences, and political-economic and sociocultural and military-wars and mafia-groups-fighting&misunderstandings, and evil Jews satanists degenerators-of-society and scammers-banksters, and also loss of motivation from aging and generational-wars&-shifts, and due to old-dogs experts dying off or becoming senile idiots stuck in their ways - and new generations lacking the old dogs' skillset and technical expertise and nasty getting-the-job-done-no-matter-what determination 'high morals', and also low birthrates and bad education and physical training and bad QA and bad management and bad allocation of resources for the specific tasks and lack of generalists McGyvers-rascal-types (renegade-but-still-collaborating-for-self-interest-and-for-the-LOLs) in a sea of specific-area-experts who suck in many other areas, and bad funding, and media and public-opinion forming kangaroo courts and crashing the party, and don't forget technology loss and archives rot and loss of valuable older blueprints and retired experts for teleconference-assistance and many other stuff...).'

'So, basically, the bitches, dick-competition fights between prideful competing men, money/resources, evil government and media and public-are-idiots, bad education, and bad management, and loss of motivation, and dying off experts and astronauts and miscommunication, confusion, and horrible PR, and economy/money/politics and especially interpersonal dislikes&lack-of-collaboration&fights, and depression, panic attacks, and suicidal destructive tendencies and collapse of safety-net support-group-of-friendly-people&sex-partners&relatives&mentors/trainers/teachers... again? And ideology clashes, too... ;( And dumb and evil crazy people outbreeding less-reproducing kinda-smarter people (see: Wall-E and 'Idiocracy')...'

'Yup, sadly so... '




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You are only free as critical-thinker more-independent man-up'd man who believes his eyes and doesn't trust 'media' or 'government' or banksters or employers much, and as a sexualTheRedPill'd social-anarchist/ancap-libertarian/world-traveler-nomad in anarchy and survivalism and self-sufficient farming-fishing-hunting-gathering+barter-trading+18+-prostitutes-fucking (or as a centrist patriotic nationalist sorta-independent dissident), Happy New Year 2024+, but live offline in the real world, forget the Internet!


(cc) 2023 ve4ernik


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The dead black man's surname is __Floyd__ and the white cop who supposedly killed him has the surname _Chauvin_ (allegory to the word 'chauvinist')...

We all know that __Pink Floyd__ is a great music band... run by the UK's MI6 and by the reptillian lich-king Lizzy II and expressing Illuminati & Freemason philosophical ideals...

Beware the Illuminati human-alien-hybrid reptillians!!!

These synchromysticism 'coincidences' are very disturbing!!! To say the least...

P.S. I mean this seriously. But it is also a speculation...

P.P.S. SpaceX has a spaceship titled 'Dragon', and NASA got the Cobra logos & the G.I.Joe films have Cobra (&the Japanese anime 'Cobra'), and Snake Plissken from Escape from New York (that last one is, however, a true US patriot and is NOT a totalitarian mafioso)...

Despite this, I still support SpaceX & NASA & ESA - when they do REAL work, not CGI-photoshopping and federal-government money syphoning...

Bush, Jr. & the Illuminati & the reptillian UFOs & planted-at-construction bombs (are probably the ones who) did 9/11...

Wake up, sheeple!!!

Planet Earth is actually probably the PrisonPlanet covert alien colony mad-circus/theater/reality-show/Show/God's-Drama/etc. as explained by the 5 books 'Matrix5'!!! Even the American writer Charles Fort (where the term Fortrean originates from - to indicate anomalous phenomena) claimed to find evidence that suggest the same and even Manly P. Hall wrote in his book 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' about his idea of a conspiracy by 'immortal' occultists to steer planetary history per alien blueprints rails...

Modern digital programmable electronic computers and the Internet were invented via reverse-engineering biological—extradimensional aliens' billions of years old magitek technology and combining that with the non-aliens human technological advances spanning 2000+ years and culminating in developments in the UK's Industrial Revolutions, in Nazi Germany, the USSR and PRC China & its aliens-UFO connections, and in CERN, in Japan, and in 1950s USA - where the Internet put its webbings from to take over the planet... and further its alien sequentialization globalization & MeltingPot, as explained by the 5 books 'Matrix5' from !!!

The Olympic Games of recent years have been Illuminati occult super-rituals ceremonies to change the Game matrix of The Game (as explained by Alan Watts and as explained by the 5 books 'Matrix5' from !!!).

YOUR government is NOT yours and YOUR government is run by literal aliens!!!

Unless governments help their citizens, governments are totalitarian structures invented by the aliens back when they seeded bio-life on planet Earth millions of years ago and genetically engineered the Earther human races via merging alien DNA of tens/hundreds of alien species/races with dual-sex hermaphroditic pre-Adamite homind monkeys...

Wake up, sheeple!

Mainstream religions were formed around distorting the Messages of mystics who undergone a mystical experience and found out that they are God since God is the Universe itself, and these religions later became hierarchical geopolitical mafia organizations bent on converting all non-believers or killing them, and bent on hiding the truth about WHAT/WHO you really are (God, since you are the Universe, too, and that is God), and on hiding the existence of aliens and anomalous phenomena and alien tech and magitek occult sciences...

Wake up, sheeple!

(cc) 2020 ve4ernik


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Official statement (by ve4ernik - 'Ivan Ivanov Kurdov' - ) on the status of the outer-space missions for the human/manned colonization of the planet Mars (via reusable two-way-ticket/one-way-ticket cargo spaceships loaded with trained humans and animals and plants for growing for food and also loaded with machines for assembling modular construction-vehicles&machines and for building eco-domes, for boring/drilling underground tunnel-galleries to be fitted as homes with solar panels and with artificial mini-bio-spheres with plants and animals) and for processing Mars materials found on-site) & for constructing Stargate-SG-1-space-stargates-like proxy- space-stations


'I' am extremely disappointed that USA's 'NASA', the EU's ESA, India's space agency, PRC China's space agency, and Japan's space agency, the outer-space-projects by other countries, as well as Elon Musk's SpaceX, Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic/Virgin Orbit, and Japanese billionaires' outer-space missions/projects, are NOT cooperating (&thus offering living-wage blue-collar&etc. jobs) on all of us actually achieving real official outer-space missions which are the manned/human colonization of the planet Mars in order for us to offload hundreds of millions of people from planet Earth's most populous countries/regions so as to slow down the ecological catastrophe on Earth's biosphere...

While I deeply hate political correctness and anti-hatespeech regulation, I agree that some minimal rivalry and competition is essential for progress BUT we can't really accomplish the outer-space colonization missions without cooperation and team work on the side of many countries' governments and many space-missions corporations... It just takes a lot of materials, a lot of minimal everyday work, and a lot of humans (smarthead engineers and smart-enough contstruction workers & QAs and planners, negotiators, etc.) for that to be a successful venture.

P.S. Unless we implement a minimum goods package per day/week and/or minimum Universal Basic Income for all people and kinda restrain women(-hypergamy) & too-ruthless moneymaking-outtricking from fucking up everything (&do meditation&relaxation&time-off and kicking puppets to relieve built-up stress&anger!!!), we are doomed to a scenario just like the one presented in the Illuminati Hollywood film Elysium (2013) + Joket (2019 film): a crapsack ghetto Star-Wars-Coruscant-but-a-ghetto oligopols/banksters/corporations-with-iron-fiat high-tech-totalitarian-prison-states planet destroyed by a humans-contributed biosphere catastrophe and by endless eternal human group&personal conflicts... which do NOT lead to improved more bio-eco-friendly eco-aware okay living-standards for the great majority of Earth's population...

P.S. Current SpaceX-like and NASA-space-shuttle & SaturnV spaceship designs are okay, but more sturdy, more durable, sorts smaller (but big enough to carry fuel tanks for at least a one-one suicidal-but-still-survivable crash-landing-like landing on Mars (maybe in the frozen-water-containing poles of Mars?) plus more fuel to use there on the planet Mars for living off of for several years!!!), and also reusable and modular spaceship designs are also very much needed: inspired by Platonic solids; 3D pyramids with an embedded sphere and engines ON ALL sides (uni-directional thrusters for steering), and by Stargate:Atlantis puddle-jumpers&USSR-heavy-truck+Curiosity-Mars-rover-legs, and by Star-Wars Death-Star&TIE-fighters (but smaller and better serviceable and better to clean and repair - unlike too big but-nice-design spaceships like , Halo:Reach Halos-ecosphere-spaceships and and designs like those posted on and and on: { link with spaceship artworks inspired by everyday office&kitchen&etc. objects}... ), and also by designs posted on (a backup archive is available for free download on ). Other worthy mentions for needed spaceship-designs are the VLA (Very Large Array - ) and , Svalbard Arctic Seed Vault & GitHub Arctic Code Archive & Saddam Hussein's multi-level underground anti-nuclear living-vault --- because we also need such facilities on the planet Mars, on Earth's Moon, and/or as parts of future spaceships and geoorbital/Mars-orbiting satellites&proxy escape-pods/space-stations-for-latching-onto-for-the-2-way-space-missions-to-the-planet-Mars!

Terraforming the planet Mars may never happen due to too much effort and too billions of humans needed and it takes too much time, while crash-landing hundreds of humans-carrying spaceships on (or near) the planet Mars's frozen-water-containing&processable-future-mines-containing poles & building eco-domes and pathways there and underground tunnel-gallery networks and bunkers and on-Earth-like observatories (like the VLA and Mauna Kea observatories and the ISS&the Hubble spqce-telescope, etc.), and assembling modular vehicles and machines once landed on the planet Mars - is actually realistic and achievable!!!

I have already discussed these ideas on my personal website - - as well as on --- PLEASE consider the realistic parts and discard the aliens-conspiracies & anti-government-shouting of government-/DeepState-conspiracies contained there IF those trigger you to not take note of the rest of the information which is quite realistic and mostly well-thought-out or at least very speculatively important to ponder on and do R&D on while making backup datetime-stamped archival copies of these texts for future reference...

P.S. Elon Musk & SpaceX & all our outer-space [colonization] missions can't succeed faster&better with SpaceX and the real official human colonization of thr planet Mars WIHOUT cooperation with those already mentioned above.

P.P.S. Dear Illuminati, dear Elon Musk, dear governments and private individuals, etc. --- I, ve4ernik, appreciate if you send me some paid airplane tickets (&money/resources/team) to go to the places where you work on the spaceship designs & construction --- the only 3 payment options that I accept are (1) my official IBAN bank account listed on my personal website, and (2) , and (3) resources/tech/airplane-tickets/hetero-sex given to me in person, NO other payment options are accepted (maybe I'll consider accepting cryptocurrencies later on...). I can also be contacted via the contact options mentioned on my website...

P.P.P.S. Aside from thr necessity of colonization of Mars, I have already outlined some of my ideas about better social policies for the future of the human race, despite me being kinda sexually-racist & sexist and against political correctness and excessive anti-hatespeech automated regulations and against totalitarian high-tech police-state regimes... You can also read my main small-business-idea there on my personal website, which is sorta apart from my other activities and is my retirement-plan --- in case I don't get to publish my books (&private/public philosophy lectures) or don't get clearance-access to working on the outet-space-missions and on local government reforms in Bulgaria...

The future is unknown but the back to basics: bio-reproduce, eat, drink, exercise, take care of yourself, communicate, have fun, etc. - are the same since time immemorial and despite the outer-space missions.

I deeply hate totalitarian mafia-government regimes BUT in case you do overthrow the government of your country or of any country, don't harm or kill the people who work on the outer-space programs (&essential food&water&fuel&electricity&medical-care(&libraries) supply-chains!) and don't harm or kill the people who are doing their best to improve social policies towards a minimum Universal Basic Income (in exchange for some minimum basic manual/intellectual work being done each day/week & IF the person hasn't committed any premediated murder (... maybe except on some too-evil mafia politican or some nasty villain oligarch)!!! Or you and us all will die in the Elysium (2013 film){+Joker (2019} future-of-Earth scenario due to killing your only saviors or people who work to improve the lives of the most vulnerable and worse-off members of society - politically-incorrect hatespeech is excluded and is permitted if kept to a self-moderated moderate self-expression&self-defence level.



(don't dismiss Alan Watts' information [too much] (example: Alan Watts - Acceptance of death and meaning of life' video on ) & the 'Tao Te Ching').

This post is dedicated to my relatives and to the women in my life, especially D.M., some other women, and that nasty smartass bitch . This post is released into/to the PUBLIC DOMAIN.

LAST MODIFIED: 08-JUNE-2020 16:02 UTC+03:00 (EEST)

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You are only free as critical-thinker more-independent man-up'd man who believes his eyes and doesn't trust 'media' or 'government' or banksters or employers much, and as a sexualTheRedPill'd social-anarchist/ancap-libertarian/world-traveler-nomad in anarchy and survivalism and self-sufficient farming-fishing-hunting-gathering+barter-trading+18+-prostitutes-fucking (or as a centrist patriotic nationalist sorta-independent dissident), Happy New Year 2024+, but live offline in the real world, forget the Internet!


(cc) 2023 ve4ernik


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This last post here on my personal account page is to mention my v1of2 idea for a prototype for a real non-fake spaceship for USA NASA, EU(SSR) ESA, SpaceX, and India's, PRC China's, and Japan's space missions (v2of2 was described in an earlier text post - with text comments below it - posted here some time ago):

Последната ми публикация тук включва хипервръзка към снимка с идеята ми за прототип за космически кораб, за тестване във вакуумни тунели с авариен шлюз за отваряне отвътре или отвън при нужда за спешно влизане на въздух за дишане и за излизане при спешна нужда...

Уви, в България от 2019 г. насам се намираме в тиха гражданска война срещу мафията МОССАД на Израел плюс БГ евреи (основно банкстери и олигарси и "медии") плюс КГБ/ФСБ/ГРУ агенти/подлоги на Русия и U.S.A. DemoNcratic Party еврейско спонсорирани подлоги/агенти (и БГ слуги на) на/в ЦРУ+ФБР на САЩ(-Израел)&Ватикана/Римокатолическата църква в България и срещу родни БГ "политици" и "полит. партии", довели ни до рекордна смъртност 2019-2023+ г. поради буквалния Апокалипсис от края на Библията и моето Второ пришествие като Иисус Христос през 2019 г.

Дайте на ВСИЧКИ в БГ пари да живеят и да правят и отглеждат/родителстват биол. си деца, изроди народни изедници:

- безплатна Бърза помощ+основни медиц. услуги - заплати от 1200-1500+ лв. (държав. финансиране);+детски помощи; +субсидии за ВСИЧКИ фермери

- безплатно (незадълж.) начално, основно и средно образ-ование и фитнес/физкултура тренировки и усвояване на реални практически практични умения +паравоенно обучение

- бързо, лесно, евтино/безплатно отваряне, опериране/работа на, паузиране/замразяване и фалит/закриване на ЕООД фирми

- универсален безусловен базов доход - давани в брой пари като обезщетение за безработица на всеки 1-3-5 дена от местния клон на БГ Пощи ; от+наемане до 5 дена на платена работа+обучение

- 18+ евтини проститутки ЗА В


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Should we, humans from/of planet Earth, colonize the Earth's Moon, the planet Mars, Saturn's moon Titan, and mine some of the asteroids from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and advance real non-fake spaceships and outer-space missions and near-Earth space-stations and satellites?


At the expense of all resources of planet Earth, and by fucking up the poor and the middle class, and only for the super-rich?

Absolutely not. Contrary to popular belief, due to the death rate and not-high birthrates in 'the First World' and 'the Second World' and sadly, the catching-up 'developing Third World', the planet Earth can maintain its current population levels well for 1-2 more centuries unless we self-destruct by then or some cosmic natural disasters or alien invasion kill all or most humans or kill the entire or most of the biosphere of planet Earth...

Although I haven't done any estimates, I'm pretty sure that via materials recycling and untapped resources and renewable resources formed slowly by the lithosphere itself and by artificial manufacturing from currently available resources, that there are enough land&resouces&workforce of humans to feed all of humans 3-8 times per day and have free-ER and basic services and essential-workers supply-chains jobs, AND still have materials for the richer-/bigger-countries (and alliances of countries and international-efforts) to prototype, manufacture, QA-test, and successfully send [maybe also as a one-way-ticket suicide-mission to pierce Mars and still have most of the spaceship survive and salvage materials from the broken parts... ) hundreds of two-way [modular? monolithic? borg-cube-but-spherical-or-conical-or-icosahedron-unidirectional-thrusters or pin-like like the one mentioned on ] different-designs (or smiliar designs but interoperable and compatible in essential aspects and multilingual manuals and outside and inside labelling of HUD interface, etc.) spaceships to the Moon and to Mars and to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter (the last is for mining the big rocks on the outskirts which are less likely to collide-crash and get destroyed - see 'Star Wars: KoToR 1 & 2', and Mass Effect 1 & 2 & 3, Halo video-games, Beneath a Steel Sky, Deus Ex: Human Evolution, and more such sorta believable sci-fi video games and films and TV series - for possible scenarios... as well as old-times phantasy 'right-wing-leaning traditionalist' video games like Fable, Age of Empires II, Red Alert 2, TES: Skyrim, etc.). Probes, satellites, and semi-natural---semi-artificially-dug tunnels-gallery and igloo-like networked space houses and space-ports and space-cars/16-wheeled cars and shelter plant food and animals-farms, and intercom satellites and laser-&radio-beaming communication outposts, and on-site assembled vehicles&cranes&diggers&etc. and equipment made of modules and via durable in-space-vaccum-working manual tools/devices as well as medkits and on-board food-packs and water-supply and HVAC-systems and toilets-systems and personal-chambers rooms fitted with all essentials and some extra comforts and intercom, etc. - are all part of the stuff needed to be packed on-board the spaceships. Probably 10-100 people will be in each spaceship (50:50 males:females, with some males in charge, and interpersonal psychologist-sexologist and biologist and physicist and engineer and all-in-one multiskilled-person and other experts should be among the crew, BUT all must be physically trained in top physical condition and good mental state and having trained a lot in simulated vacuum environment (e.g. water pool, etc.) with the real further-developed space-suits {don't forget the extendable magnetically-latching robot-hand-ending hook-rope on the space-suit and the food&water&air supply and far-distance unidirectional&single-direction-pointing intercom, and several layers of suit material and also lights and knife-hammer-digger (multipurpose space 'wrench'/ruler+laser-measurer) and boring-machine and 'Google-Glass-like' zooming-glasses/GUI-assistant like the one used by the fictional Kiva from the MegasXLR animation, and magnetic boots and durable patches for sensors-detected tiny pierced spots on the space-suit, and solar-powered mini-thrusters on the backpack and on the boots, and emergency life-support system, etc. - and small manual-override physical-hardware buttons/handles, and 2-3 parachutes and small plant doing photosynthesis for oxygen in tiny fertile-moist earth-land-soil sample...} - as that is quite useful, don't you think? All those realistic non-bullshit sci-fi colonization space architecture and spaceships and outer-space tech drawings from and and etc. and from NASA et al. - will prove quite useful). Oh yeah, and the data-banks webserver hardware with copies of billions of books and blueprints and short how-to video/audio/text tutorials - also on-board the spaceships, duuuh, as a library is a great resource for ideas both whacky crazy bad and kinda useful and realistic...

P.S. And 80-90 million Americans from the USA who didn't get the 'covid-19' 'vaccines' and did NOT die from that, can't be wrong about NOT trusting the USA government much (no matter who is 'in charge') and BigPharma and billionaires and covid19-vax-supporting Hollywood celebs, the mostly-Jewish-owned USA 'mass media' pushing the covid-19 metanarrative onto the masked sheeple to enforce microchipping and experimental 'vaccines' (or just placebo water to suck billions off of media-brainwashed sheeple put to believe in another fake epidemic which is just another political-ideological global-psyops coverup and unforseen unintended consequences from the spread of wild [new] ideas among dumber people and the abuse of tech leading to dystopian nightmarish world and also the total decadence of society and culture rot and total political corruption and evil governments and fakenews media and collapse of relationships and families and essential-workers supply-chains and trust amongst people towards common goals and common work to maintain the minimum to run society at a mostly-tolerable sorta-comfortable level), and auto-censoring BigTech corporations which are just frontends of the DeepState military-industrial complex&banksters&secret-societies international-mafia!

The 'covid-19' scamdemic/plandemic was THE LAST WAKEUP CALL in case the sheeple weren't awaken by warnings like The Matrix series and dystopian Hollywood sci-fi films and war films and by the false-flag inside-job 9/11 (done by the USA DeepState and maybe also by Jews and Bush, Jr., and maybe also by biological-extradimensional Orion&Sirius aliens/extraterrestrials - for various reasons, including psychic warfare and occult dark mass sacrificial ritual and also to reset the planet's world order and to enforce 'PATRIOT Act' totalitarianism inspired by apocalypticalist literalist-Bible-interpretations by USA 'Christian' masonic/occult-mafioso-oligarch leaders, and also as a real-life self-destruction of the USA to forestall the full self-destruction of the USA and Pax Americana - see 'Escape From NY' film for the geopolitics explanation in short...).

Even if organized central governments collapse naturally or due to widespread mistrust in them and total corruption and inefficiency and bad results in aiding the economy and the people, we still need food-producing farms, mines & oil-rigs & renewable energy-plants, nuclear and hydro and other power plants, 'the Green New Deal' (but realistic and slowly implemented and about renewable-energy power-plants alongside more traditional power-plants and tech inventions, and about slower high-quality bio-eco farming, and some pauses-with-funding&food-stamps-and-private-farming&small-biz-as-compensation in industrial facilities if their effect on the environment is deemed too toxic for people and the biosphere)...

You know, the usual... :)))


P.S. The satellites and 4G-5G-cell-towers and similar EMR-devices (like psychotronics devices: LRAD & V-MAD evil military-tech and HAARP and similar elsewhere, and telescopes and radio-signals-for-aliens and numbers-stations, etc.) and evil-microchipping pushes, and electromagnetic-spectrum for ham-radio and other technological-uses, etc. - obviously need country-specific regulations and public oversight&technical-diagnostics&inspection, or they may end up harming us in very bad evil dystopian ways... Just sayin', don't punch me in the face that I didn't warn you all!!!

(cc) 2022 ve4ernik


'So, what stopped us colonizing outer-space in 2019-2022, ve4ernik, and why did you decline hundreds of millions of funding for your R&D self-thaught expertise?'

'Same things like in the 1960s-1970s, kid: women fucked up all, men in-fighting for women and for money/resources/fame/playing-god lawlessness and amorality power-kick egotism and power-hunger, collapse of trust and communication and collaborative work despite differences, and political-economic and sociocultural and military-wars and mafia-groups-fighting&misunderstandings, and evil Jews satanists degenerators-of-society and scammers-banksters, and also loss of motivation from aging and generational-wars&-shifts, and due to old-dogs experts dying off or becoming senile idiots stuck in their ways - and new generations lacking the old dogs' skillset and technical expertise and nasty getting-the-job-done-no-matter-what determination 'high morals', and also low birthrates and bad education and physical training and bad QA and bad management and bad allocation of resources for the specific tasks and lack of generalists McGyvers-rascal-types (renegade-but-still-collaborating-for-self-interest-and-for-the-LOLs) in a sea of specific-area-experts who suck in many other areas, and bad funding, and media and public-opinion forming kangaroo courts and crashing the party, and don't forget technology loss and archives rot and loss of valuable older blueprints and retired experts for teleconference-assistance and many other stuff...).'

'So, basically, the bitches, dick-competition fights between prideful competing men, money/resources, evil government and media and public-are-idiots, bad education, and bad management, and loss of motivation, and dying off experts and astronauts and miscommunication, confusion, and horrible PR, and economy/money/politics and especially interpersonal dislikes&lack-of-collaboration&fights, and depression, panic attacks, and suicidal destructive tendencies and collapse of safety-net support-group-of-friendly-people&sex-partners&relatives&mentors/trainers/teachers... again? And ideology clashes, too... ;( And dumb and evil crazy people outbreeding less-reproducing kinda-smarter people (see: Wall-E and 'Idiocracy')...'

'Yup, sadly so... '



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February 16 at 3:59 PM

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June 9, 2022

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... idea 1 of 2: (see the photo of the sketch below...)

Of course, too much transhumanist technocracy almost always leads to 'fascist' totalitarianism/dictatorship/tyranny - but hey, we all saw that 'democracy' and 'capitalism' and 'free market' are also mostly fictions used to fool the plebs about the semi-totalitarian semi-anarchy satanic-oligarchies neo-feudalism since the end of the Middle Ages in Europe, the USA, Asia, etc.
And yes, high-tech developed by the German Nazis before and during WW2 and after WW2 abroad - was far ahead of its time and may have had Grey aliens/'interdimensional aliens/'demons' ' as part of its invention - and the world sorta ended in the 1960s, and after that the truths have been covered-up and censored while fakenews 'media' and fiat-currency banksters' money system and corrupt evil totalitarian scammy moneygrabbing governments/oligarchs-corporations-largeLandownders and secret societies, etc.

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Some inspirational videos just for fun:

... [ to be added later on ... ]