ve4ernik's Sect

Join my sect's harem if you comply with the below requirements --- Присъединете се към харема на сектата ми, ако отговаряте на долните изисквания


FINAL CALL FOR APPLYING TO JOIN ve4ernik's sect's harem - while ve4ernik is still alive...

ПОСЛЕДНО ПОВИКВАНЕ ЗА КАНДИДАТСТВАНЕ НА ЖЕНИ ЗА ПРИСЪЕДИНЯВАНЕ КЪМ сектата с харем на ve4ernik - докато ve4ernik още е жив...
тел./Viber-app: (+359) (0)988 308 907 и/или изпратете имейл до (или до )

НАКРАТКО: СПЕШНО!!! Ако търсите алтернативен лайфстайл и сте 18-25-год. (в специални случаи приемам и 30-35-год.) неомъжена НЕфеминистка жена без деца и подчинителна спрямо мъжа и дори сте готова да станете секс робиня и домакиня ИЗЦЯЛО ПО ДОБРОВОЛНО И ПО ЛИЧНО ИЗЯВЕНО ЖЕЛАНИЕ ОТ ВАША СТРАНА (ПОНЕ ДОКАТО СТЕ ЧАСТ ОТ ХАРЕМА НА СЕКТАТА, АКО СТЕ ПРИЕТА СЛЕД КАНДИДАТСТВАНЕ), и сте от бялата раса или японка или китайка, и имате добри работни умения по български и/или поне начално или над средно ниво на работни умения по английски език, и сте поне средно красива откъм фигура на тялото и с красиво лице (примерно сравнете дали изглеждате много подобно като се гледате гола в огледалото - с тази примерна снимка, намерена в Интернет, и по-конкретно с жената в горния ляв ъгъл на изображението -  ), и ви е интересно записването на подкаст и минималистичен живот и имате разни практически умения, прочетете ИЗЦЯЛО целия текст на тази уебстраница {ако не знаете английски [добре или въобще], може да копирате целия текст и да го пуснете/поставите за груб машинен превод през , , , }, после на лист хартия с молив или химикалка (или в електронен текст) с чавки ✔ [V] ( = ДА, отговарям на съответното изискване и се съгласявам с него) и ✖ [X] ( = НЕ, НЕ отговарям на съответното изискване и/или НЕ се съгласявам с него) - впишете дали отговаряте и се съгласявате с ВСИЧКИ изисквания (изброени с числа от 1. до 7. вкл. и с подточки) от списъка в тази уебстраница и подгответе кратки отговори на изискваните неща, 

и после се обадете (или изпратете SMS-и) на тел./Viber-app (+359) (0)988 308 907 и/или изпратете имейл до (или до )

да изявите желание да кандидатствате за прием в [харема на] сектата на ve4ernik - ___с цел [фетишен и нормален] секс и бебеправене и почерпка с храна и напитки с ve4ernik (ДРУГО НЕ СЕ ПРЕДЛАГА!!! Ако търсите пари и твърде луксозен живот, търсете друг(и) мъже, съжалявам! Изброеното е основният фокус на сектата на ve4ernik!), докато ve4ernik е все още жив___ (поне 3 снимки на ve4ernik се намират из този уебсайт, ако се чудите как изглеждам --- --- но сега съм поостарял...)... 

Отнема около 30 мин. да прочетете целия текст по-долу и да впишете с ✔ [V] или с ✖ [X] - дали отговаряте на ВСИЧКИ изброени изисквания, плюс около 10 мин. да ми позвъните на тел./Viber и/или да ми изпратите имейл - за да изявите желание да ви приема в [харема на] сектата ми, т.е. ВЪОБЩЕ НЕ Е СЛОЖНО, само малко четене и да подготвите отговори на няколко въпроса и 1-4 свои скорошни голи снимки. :)

ПОБЪРЗАЙТЕ, ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕТО Е УНИКАЛНО И НЯМА ДА ТРАЕ ВЕЧНО (до края на август-септември-декември 2023 г. може да спра да приемам кандидатури от желаещи да участват жени)! ДА, ДОНЯКЪДЕ Е НА ЖИВОТ И СМЪРТ, затова не плачете, ако след 2023 г. или през 2024(+) г. ve4ernik вече е мъртъв или че не приема повече кандидатури от вас, скъпи жени!)

v4 of this webpage --- Last updated 05-July-2023 --- The older versions are below the current & the current is the only valid version of this document. This document is subject to change & ve4ernik is the sole author of it and ve4ernik remains the only one who can change it, and changes will be noted at the bottom of this same webpage. NOTE THAT v4 IS CURRENTLY CONSIDERED TO BE THE ONLY VALID & AUTHORITATIVE VERSION OF THIS TEXT UNLESS TYPO ERRORS OR SERIOUS PROBLEMS OR OMISSIONS ARE LATER FOUND IN IT, WHICH WILL FORCE ve4ernik TO UPDATE PARTS OF THIS TEXT AND ALSO UPDATE THE VERSION NUMBER MENTIONED ABOVE.


v4 НА ТОЗИ ДОКУМЕНТ --- последна промяна: 05-юли-2023 г. --- Старите, вече невалидни версии на този документ, се поставят в края на тази уебстраница.

Жени, кандидатстващи за приемане в [харема на] сектата на ve4ernik, следва да кандидатстват поне според v4 на този документ, която в момента е единствената валидна версия, като бъдещи промени в текста ще се правят само от ve4ernik и то само при намиране на правописни грешки или сериозни проблеми или пропуски, но засега това е единствената валидна версия, според която можете да кандидатствате за прием в [харема на] сектата на ve4ernik.

Кандидатстването за прием и участието в сектата при успешно приемане по лична преценка на ve4ernik - е изцяло доброволно и се приемат САМО жени, и то САМО жени, изцяло отговарящи на описаните изисквания.

{{{ve4ernik вече много не го интересуват злите ВЕЧЕ изцяло сами делегитимирали се правителства на България, САЩ-Израел/ЕС(ССР), Русия, КНР Китай, ООН, МВФ/Световна банка и т.н. (макар че предпочита народите, не правителствата, на етническите бели европейци от Европа - не бъркайте това с ЕС(ССР), евро и т.н. бюрокрации и полу-фикции!), и не счита тези правителства и политиците и олигарсите и банкстерите зад тях - за представящи реалната воля и желания на съответните народи на тези страни/държави, и множеството протести и антиправителствени бунтове от 2019 г. насам многократно доказват верността на това, и неизбежният разпад на тези зли империи е продължаващ процес и факт и дори в момента - през 2023 г. - независимо какво ви лъжат и зомбират „медиите“ на евреите/САЩ-Израел/ЕС(ССР) или „медиите“ на Русия, КНР Китай и т.н. Според ve4ernik Великите сили унищожиха България през 2008-2019-2023+ г. чрез подкупните им подлоги БГ „политици“, ВИП-ове и банкстери и олигарси, и чрез крайно вредните последици от глобализацията и прекомерната технологизация и турбо-феминизъм и повсеместно лицемерие, алчност за пари и масова [картелна] мафиотизация у всички хора, и затова ve4ernik не се интересува особено от поредните им империалистични болни амбиции и безкрайни лъжи и пренаписвания на историята и потулвания на истината и ve4ernik НЕ вярва на поредните политически „спасители“ crisis-actors в България [защото много хора, на които ve4ernik вярваше, не го подкрепиха за политиката в България 2019-2023+, макар че той направи доста за България и вдъхнови изцяло оправданите антиправителствени протести и анти-„ковид-19“-пЛандемия/scamdemic протести в България 2019-2023+, и се доказаха като лъжливи боклуци и предатели...], вярва само на себе си и частично и на вече починали мъдреци, философи, военни стратези и Realpolitik-стратези, и на това, че и на жените им се прави секс и деца, дори и после да има драми, разочарования и раздели...}}}

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* * *


{ If you hate ve4ernik or consider him hypocritical/duplicit about having his own sect and harem-of-woman&regular fetish sex&babymaking focus of it, just keep hating ve4ernik and thanks for at least having some (maybe misinformed or not quite well informed or half-assed or wrong or dumb) opinion on ve4ernik and his activities, and get your own woman/women/harem of women, instead of hating ve4ernik and his sect&harem. And also download & read the .pdf "Детска илюстрована история на България" (published in 1995/1996; ve4ernik was born in 1991 C.E./A.D.) listed on the website homepage and read page 22 where it says that my ancestors, the Thracians, also had a patriarch man with a harem of women, and one of these women was often sorta the main wife of the man (AND this family/clan structure was NOT, on the whole, just or the rich Thracian men!); so, I am not being Islamic by having a harem of women in my homeland Bulgaria as I am literally observing ancient local traditions here --- as Bulgaria's ancient Thracians lived B.C. (B.C.E.) --- long (centuries - 4500+-1200 B.C./B.C.E. to 45 A.D./C.E.) before Islam ([Islamic Sufi(sm) mysticism arose about 800 A.D. & ve4ernik has great respect for mystics of all traditions and religions/ideologies/philosophies/occult-Mystery schools/temples]; Islam, which Muslims, who have read their religion's holy scripture-book the Quran, try to follow...) which was formed much later (about 8 century A.D./C.E.) in Asia Minor by the prophet Muhammad/Muhammed (Bulgaria's Boris I converted to Christianity some time earlier while emperor Constantine of the Eastern (Byzanthine) Empire converted to Christianity in about 300 A.D./C.E. and now-called Istanbul (rarely: Istambul) was previously called Constantinople to honor that emperor); also note that the fictional sci-fi/fantasy world of 'Warhammer 40K' has the Asia-Minor/Anatolia-born 'god emperor of mankind' fictional character inspired by the Old-World-centric (i.e. Europe (especially South and Southeast Europe (Thracians, Greeks, Etruscans, Romans/Italians, Spanish, South-French, etc.), Asia Minor & parts of the Middle East / Mesopotamia / ancient Fertile Crescent region, and Mediterrenean Sea region + Black Sea region & parts of North Africa) mythological-religious roots of the ancient 'high culture' civilization(s) of the continent of Europe on planet Earth --- however, this doesn't mean that other parts of Europe and other parts of planet Earth aren't equally important)... 

PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT ve4ernik's sect is NOT an Islamic or mainstream-Christian sect, it's an exclusive sect, somewhat like a private/underground club, with its own practices/activities, rules, rituals/ceremonies, eclectic-syncretist philosophy/beliefs, rites-of-passage, and so on... 


_Also note that ve4ernik's personal opinion about sex & relationships_, has ALWAYS been the babymaking-focused heterosexual between consenting adult (i.e. 12-18+ y.o.) man and adult (i.e. 12-18+ y.o.) woman type & that kids raised/parented by both of their biological parents, or (especially male) kid(s) raised/parented by their single strong/masculine/authority-figure biological father - usually fare the best in life, BUT that MANY not-physically-attractive/fat/ugly/etc. and/or very neolib/Neo-Marxist-higher-education-/feminism-indoctrinated/reeducated/brainwashed/poor/'mentally mindraped by tragic events like abuse during childhood or at school/college/university/work/etc.' people, as well as many people who have faced multiple hard heartbrakes with people from the opposite (actually: complementary) biological sex and/or are very burnout or disillusioned especially by women, --- that these people OFTEN become gay or lesbian (i.e. lg(b)tq+), or even (mostly) asexual or pansexual/overly-promiscious/sex-addicts or outcasts, as a form of unconscious/subconscious (sometimes also conscious) defense-mechanism and coping-mechanism, or as a form of personal-therapy or personal spiritual practice... 

ve4ernik knows that sex in the animal kingdom is NOT about obeying someone else (government, religion/Church, or any other outside authority, except maybe partially that of your biological parents!) or working for someone else for money - so as to get sex with women, it just happens and nature takes over cuz life is fleeting & dying at some point is certain, and that maybe rapes&sexual-deviancy&even-women-being-sluts can't ever be fully stopped due to natural&artificially-imposed economic inequalities & inequalities in beauty[-standards]/skills/social-status; and we are well aware that there are no rules, that [written] legal laws are [too often] not obeyed, and that morals are long dead amongst most people except as a joke or as obeying these only sometimes as a survival/socializing/blending-in tactic,... WHICH IS EXACTLY WHY ve4ernik's sect['s harem] imposes its own REQUIREMENTS & internal regulations/rules, and if you don't like it that way, just forget ve4ernik & stop bothering his sect['s harem], and stop meddling in our activities, and move on with your life - doing what you love or can do to get/experience what you want out of life while you are still alive...!

ve4ernik is also well aware that even official history knows many cases of lg(b)tq+ people, like in ancient Greece and ancient Rome, and that even the Christian Bible and the Islamic Quran warn men about women's [nature/sociobiological-intersexual-dynamics/hypergamy (in contemporary terms: sexualTheRedPill/sexology-flirtology PUAs/MRM/MGTOWs/tradcon/)] behavioral patterns and that cases of harems, incest&inbreeding, or even more exotic sexual practices, have been happening throughout history, especially amongst upper-class/richer/ruling-elites people and/or as part of religious/clan-based sects or counter-culture movements or as exclusive underground sex-cult clubs. ve4ernik is also well aware of many of the complex (including secret/forbidden/censored/forgotten/history-rewritten-for-political-or-for-personal-purposes) reasons behind 20th century European and USA history & especially the 1960s-1970s 'free love'&feminism-waves&globalist-agendas-blueprints in the USA & in Western Europe, which also influenced the rest of the planet, often in bad ways, I am afraid... 

ve4ernik is also of the personal opinion that _2018-2019-2020_-2023+ is a turning point in the culture-wars and in the 'sex wars' chronology, and that it marks the end of globalization as we know it & the end of mainstream 'media' as we know it & the end of trust in authority figures, government institutions' legitimacy & a big social shift against the endless lies, deceptions, manipulations, history-rewritings&'media'-spins, and evildoings of BigPharma + Jews/Israel/banksters + W.H.O./UN/IMF/WorldBank/globalist-organizations + BigTech + especially of feminism & women in government/high-status positions, and marks the literal Bible Apocalypse/Revelation&Armageddon times, and that it is a turning point in flirtology&sexology&political-economy&culturology&memetics sociobiology research, paving the way to hard anti-feminism and the rise of pro-men & women-rights-rollback & mysogyny/women-hating & to a 20th-century-like-but-more-postpostmodern-insanity cyclic-repeat rise of Neo-Nazi/anti-government/counter-culture/alterglobalization/sex-addiction-or-sex-abstainment-due-to-incels/femcels/anti-men/men-bashing-in-'media'&by-government&corporations movements which challenge the post-1960s-1970s females-centric&blaming-men-for-everything-when-evil-governments+(especially-Jewish)-central-banksters+(Jewish-paid-)'media'+evil-corporations+WageStagnation-and-antiproducerism-hypermonetarism-since-1971-1972 cultural matrix in the West...

So yeah, ve4ernik is well aware that there really are NO rules and NO morality IRL (in-real-life) behind-the-scenes; and that evil government(s)'s imposed fake written-laws and normative social-cultural norms - especially about sex & relationships & business-making & BigTech+2007+iPhone-smartphones+'online internet social media platforms'-fucking-up-society-very-badly&ruining-entire-generations-via-porn+chronic-no-sex-having-for-the-average-men - are no longer working, especially in Bulgaria and in the West due to extreme corruption, mismanagement, extreme [government] overregulation&overreach, and due to technocratic-transhumanist-IoT-militarized+men's-sexuality-manipulated nightmare times & due to the general chaos, societal collapse & state failure, & bad stupid monster government...

ve4ernik also does NOT formally recognize the legitimacy of official evil government(s) [especially in Bulgaria since 2019+!], and of the Vatican (Roman Catholic Church) and of Eastern Orthodox Christian Churches - like the KGB-agents-infested fake-Christianity Jews-overprivileging/Jews-moneybribed moneygrabbing/capitalist&hypocritical&large-landowner-not-paying-any-taxes&also-CaesarPope-ist government-complicit-in-many-crimes&coverups&history-rewritings scholastic, corrupt & lying & rich Bulgarian Orthodox Church and its KGB-puppet patriarch, BUT ve4ernik acknowledges the positive impact of these churches in anti-feminism, pro-life & pro-family & pro-having-kids, and especially about them funding and maintaining of monasteries&churches, schools, orphanages, farms, and aiding with some commercial producerism-oriented business&humanitarian activities in Italy or in Bulgaria or elsewhere.

Although not an official denomination & not claiming to be one, ve4ernik's sect is not a Christian sect in the traditional sense & does NOT consider mainstream Christianity & mainstream Islam & mainstream Judaism & mainstream Buddhism - to be much relevant since 2019-2020 due to feminism/feminazism, women's hypergamy and women's deformation of Churches to serve women's purposes&promiscuity&neoliberalism & ____due to BigTech+money[grabbing/-making]+evil-government+criminal-life+neolib-progressivism+culture-rot+political-correctness+woke-culture-crap replacing God&family in most people's lives____, BUT ve4ernik's sect is somewhat sympathetic to Protestantism Christians' & modern Lutherans' kinda-more-secular-approarch-to-life&criticism-of-the-Vatican&of-Jews & is VERY sympathetic to men's rights movements, & labourers'/workers' protests+rebellions+riots and to many anti-government protests (but we aren't fans of 1944-1989-style totalitarian single-party state-capitalism mafia-government 'socialism' or of 2019-2020-'covid-19'-scamdemic/pLandemic dystopian peak-capitalism #HumansOfLateCapitalism economic+sexual-marketplace inequalities dystopian times!) & to anti-feminism, which makes it somewhat in line with Islam BUT ve4ernik's sect, however, is really neither Islamic, nor is it Christian, but it is a sex-cult with some rituals and beliefs/philosophy - like almost all other religions are at their core & behind-the-scenes. ve4ernik's sect is also NOT USA Playboy's mansion & its sexual activities are NOT commerce-centric/money-making-oriented and it avoids using 'online internet social media', despite considering pornography to be one of the worst and one of the best things ever. However, ve4ernik's sect maintains that a spiritual inner conviction as expressed via (heterosexual) sex acts and parenting of kids and acquiring practical skills and NOT trusting/obeying evil governments and mainstream religions much - is more central to human life than moneymaking commercial activities (as moneymaking is often done ONLY to get to the sex with women and rarely just to pile up money and rarely to use it...) - and the financial-economic chaos&bad times worldwide since 2008 and especially since 2019 'covid-19' scamdemic/pLandemic & cuckolding or kids not knowing their own biological parents and being reeducated by evil 'social-care services' of evil governments or by government-mandated foster parents & the fallout of feminism&feminazism&of contraceptives&extremely low birthrates, men-divorceraping women-overprivileging divorce-courts & clown-world dynamics in politics & low-paid employment work in corporations in general, and that almost ONLY politicians scum, mafiosos, VIP-prostitutes women, CEOs/CTOs of large corporations, & some actors, musicians/entertainers, and sports people are super-highly-paid while the average men are extremely criminally underpaid & blamed for everything & rarely get sex from women since the 1970s&since-2007&2019 --- often having very bad effects - appear to ve4ernik as totally proving that point...

So please DO NOT apply to join this sect IF you are aiming at a careerist&[no-heterosexual]sex-not-having&no-kids-having lifestyle in your 20s&30s, dear women!

However, if the economic/money-focused bad-times continue after 2022-2023+, ve4ernik's sect may, in a desperate move, turn to making porn as one of its ways to make money but farming&hunting&barter-trading&charity-donations&doing-paid-advertizing are the primary ways in which the sect['s harem] is making a living

[[[but ve4ernik maintains that having (especially regular) real sex and not being a porn addict childless feminized dumbed-down man - is the real deal - and that porn should be used only to learn some new sex poses/positions and maybe acquire some new kinks/fetishes/paraphernalia - so using the watching/reading-seeing of porn images or porn videos as escapism and WITHOUT moving on [on]to real-life sex with real living woman/women - is a major turnoff & ends up destroying young men & turning them into sexually-dysfunctional neurotic sexless&childless adult men who didn't man up partially & who didn't understand the ugly truths about women's nature&behavioral patterns - best expressed in contemporary times by sexualTheRedPill gurus men on & via pro-masculinity books explaining Realpolitik, philosophy/religions, and most importantly - explaining the basics of intersexual dynamics & sociobiological sexual marketplace & 1-10-scale-of-rating-men-or-women & the relative socio-sexual hierarchy amongst men, and by history, etc.]]] 

--- despite ve4ernik kinda being anti-money (& somewhat anti-porn) - due to women fucking up the workplaces and employers fucking up men along with anti-men 'media' and feminism helping destroy men at a young age & to feminize men, and due to extreme money concentration in the hands of evil governments, the ultra-wealthy/the-super-rich who are above all laws & morality, Wall St(r). stock-market speculators/traders, the Church, (often Jewish) central banksters, and evil mega-corporations not having ecological measures and not doing anything about wtfhappenedin1972 WageStagnation amidst business bankruptcies&bank-bailouts&amidst post-1960s-1970s extreme female-hypergamy & liberalism fucking up the West & eroding the functioning of governments and corporations and killing off family-values and the nuclear-family cul-de-sac Suburbia/farmers' idyllic lifestyles, and amidst rising speculative prices of all major housing, higher education, food & drinks & services & entertainment pleasures, but other than that, ve4ernik's sect's focus is sex&babymaking&staying a private harem with its own rituals and unique lifestyle & audio-podcast-making&other activities - away from the mainstream society --- so porn-making isn't the focus --- regular real sex&some sex fetishes, babymaking sex, parenting of kids, an alternative lifestyle, and spiritual meditation&our own philosophy/beliefs via experiencing all that --- that is the focus. 

Remember the 1968 protests & 1918 'Spanish flu' killer-vaccines&total-anarchy&history-rewritings&coverup times and also their semi-repeat in 1983-1985, in 2008, and especially in 2019 'covid-19' scamdemic/pLandemic??? More reasons why the 'sex&babymaking&sex-cult sects' lifestyle' has gained attraction in the times of moneyless people and eroding middle-class in the West and when post-2007 almost anyone with an Internet connection can see any imaginable legal or illegal, pure/vanilla or deviant or taboo sex-act via moneygrabbing often-Jews-run Internet pornography websites... People just want to have sex and regularly, BUT the mainstream culture-shifts in the West have made female-promiscuity/hypergamy/sluttification and men-feminization and the average-men-not-get-any-or-much-heterosexual-sex-at-all-and-also-being-underpaid&overworked&under-appreciated while women have been super-overprivileged by evil governments & extreme out-of-control feminism/feminazism (& in 2018-2023+ even some of the officially richest&best-looking men being divorceraped by women...!!!) & by Jewish 'media'&banksters...

____In any & all cases, ve4ernik remains the final authority on the activities of this sect and this sect's harem (a role which will be inherited by his MALE biological-kids when they grow up, as arranged and advised by ve4ernik; so women who may aim at overtaking ve4ernik's central role in this sect as its male patriarch - shall be forced to leave this sect['s harem] due to NOT being submissive towards ve4ernik!), and he decides which women who have applied to join the sect's harem - to be accepted, and which women to be rejected, and whether and why a woman who is (= has become & has moved to live with ve4ernik at our sect's location...) a member of this sect - is to be forced to leave or to re-join after being forced to leave. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THIS SECT IS A HAREM, so it ONLY accepts biological women as members, NO men are accepted, except male kids born within this sect - who become full members of this sect when they grow up or when they become teenagers.____

All above text is just a WARNING which clears up some misunderstandings, but has no official status. The official REQUIREMENTS for joining ve4ernik's sect's harem are listed below & remain subject to change if the changing times demand it, BUT non-compliance with those REQUIREMENTS will mean to be removed from (or being rejected/declined to join...) being a member of this sect, 

as joining is voluntarily, so IF YOU INTEND _NOT_ to obey ve4ernik & his sect's below-listed official REQUIREMENTS (other internal regulations/rules may be imposed by ve4ernik if needed) - please just DO NOT waste your precious lifespan's time and DO NOT waste our time, and so just don't apply to join this sect as a candidate biological woman & DO NOT meddle in this sect's activities at all, but go do your thing where and among those people who are more suitable for you personally. 

Expecting ve4ernik to change his mind about this sect['s harem's] REQUIREMENTS and activities means that you SHOULD JUST FORGET THIS WEBPAGE & MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE & TO STOP MEDDLING WITH ve4ernik or with his sect and its harem of women (but you can still visit the rest of ve4ernik's website! :) ), so just leave us alone & stop bothering us _IF you find that this sect is NOT for you personally as a biological woman_!

Note that none of the above-said about hating evil governments&banksters - none of it means that ve4ernik is against the trading of physical-goods and the free or money-paid/goods-or-services-paid services between different countries&human persons, and ve4ernik actually supports bartering (natural exchange of goods/products) & bargaining, and art-making and some crafts, but he hates too-money-overpriced products or services BECAUSE THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE AND ARE USUALLY EXPERIENCES&ADVENTURES - just like most people hate being over-charged when money-paying for some products or services...}


* * * * * * * * * *

Join my sect's harem (Присъедини се към [харема от жени в] сектата ми) - Generally speaking, regular sex&babymaking&fetish sex&podcast-recording within this sect's harem - are the main focus of this sect SO PLEASE DON'T APPLY TO JOIN IF YOU DON'T WANT THAT & IF YOU DON'T MEET ALL THE BELOW REQUIREMENTS!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!)...

The 7 REQUIREMENTS FOR JOINING ve4ernik's sect['s harem]

{actually, the requirements are NOT that difficult to be met (EXCEPT maybe the not-being-a-total-slut & remaining loyal to the sect&to ve4ernik, being non-'covid-19'-vaccinated, being unmarried and not having any kids yet & especially the looks requirement...), it just takes some time to read the entire text below & to see if you meet ALL these requirements (by seeing if you check ALL listed checkmarks because you meet ALL that requirements, each of which is written as " [ ] " below), including the CONTRACT OF RULES; the 7 main fetishes & general lifestyle of ve4ernik's sect and its harem, are revealed when you apply as a candidate to join this sect BUT you are advised to NOT talk about those with other people and to keep it confidential, EVEN IF you are not allowed to join this sect after applying to join as a candidate woman... PLEASE NOTE that if you share such confidential details with other people after applying to join as a candidate woman and then NOT being accepted to join, or if you share such confidential details with other people WHILE you are waiting for a reply of YES or NO about whether you are accepted to join after applying to join - this MAY force ve4ernik to permanently stop all communication with you and to destroy all your chances to try to apply to join for a 2nd or 3rd time after having being accepted in this sect and being part of it for some time after joining but then leaving or being forced to leave --- there WILL NOT be any more chances for re-joining after a 3rd time applying to join after having being previously accepted into and living the sect's [harem's] life 1-2 times before or having being declined to join once and applying for a 2nd or 3rd time...}:

1. [ ] Joining the sect is VOLUNTARY. But joining is a long-term commitment. This ensures that you have ONLY yourself to blame IF you join. Also, never offer to join IF you don't like what you have learned about ve4ernik from this website, or if you are NOT in Bulgaria or can't [money-&health-wise]afford to move to my location in Bulgaria (or to another location in case I move the sect['s harem] elsewhere). You agree that you can't apply to join/re-join more than 3 times.

2. [ ] ____You MUST be an 18-25y.o. biological woman of AT LEAST average [bodily] beauty with a beautiful face.____

2.1. [ ] As an example of what I, ve4ernik, mean by 'an at least average-beautiful woman with a beautiful (not butterface!) face' (having a beautiful slut-woman face or a deep-personality sexy face of a smartass woman or a countryside-sorta-hot-farmer-hunter-babe with practical skills & some life experience is also a plus!), I mean 18-25y.o. (or in special circumstances, up to 30-35y.o. at most!!!_ women looking like or quite ____similar to the woman on the TOP-LEFT of this random photo____ which I found via doing a image web-search --- [URL of the example photo with a woman on the top-left of the photo] [zoomable direct hyperlink] --- that woman is definitely a 5.5-8/10 on the USA/American relative scale of rating women['s looks]; and the body dimensions of that woman on the top-left of that photo I personally find the best for me personally - so women having similar height, weight, breast size, hip size are most welcome in my sect's harem, only the height of the woman can be = ~1.50-1.89 m, while boobs bigger than those of the woman on the top-left of the aforementioned photo are a great bonus BUT a much bigger ass or much wider/fatter hips or too-long neck - usually aren't very welcome. Bigger boobs/tits than those of the woman on the top-left of that example photo, a high sex-drive & housewife-babymaker urges & BEING VERY LOYAL are very welcome. PLEASE NOTE that IF you happen to be the exact woman on the top-left of that example photo, please don't get offended and please do NOT apply to join my sect's harem, I am only using your photo as an example of how women kinda/exactly/sorta must look like without makeup and naked - for them to have the highest chances of joining my sect['s harem] & enjoying its general lifestyle & practising the sect's [harem's] sexual activities/fetishes & philosophy/beliefs... As ve4ernik is also not the most handsome man ever, but is an average-looking man with an okay face (but kinda slim/petite body-figure, and sometimes maybe considered handsome by some women...), he expects at least comparable/similar average-or-above-average beauty specifications from women who are to become members of his sect['s harem]! 

Again, look at that above-mentioned example hyperlinked photo with the woman on the top-left of that photo, and if you look similar to the woman on the top-left from that photo, you are most likely to be accepted into ve4ernik's sect['s harem] IF you also meet ALL other requirements (the rest of the women on that photo are just put in the image to show kinda-similar-looking women). So ve4ernik is NOT looking for super-hot fashion-model women or super-hot porn-actress women at all, although such women may be accepted IF they also meet ALL other requirements and change a lot to live with ve4ernik's sect['s harem]...

2.2. [ ] [ AS A SPECIAL EXCEPTION, you can be a 30-35y.o. woman IF you only want [regular] sex&kid(s)&agreeing to the sect's [harem's] fetishes, before leaving the sect BUT, again, you have to be of AT LEAST average beauty with a beautiful face and you must sign a CONTRACT of rules (which all women in this sect['s harem] must sign) when joining my sect['s harem] (see also the additional requirements listed at big bullet-points 3. & 4. & 5. & 6. & 7. below the CONTRACT of rules below, which you must also meet/obey)... This EXCEPTION was added so that somewhat-older women (up to 35y.o.) can also get sex&kid(s) by successfully joining this sect, but who aren't willing to stay around for the long-term and who may leave the sect some time after giving birth... But please note that the 18-25y.o. women who meet ALL the requirements (&who want to stay with/within/in this sect for the long-term!) - have much better chances to be accepted in this sect['s harem]! ]

2.3. [ ] You have to show/send

1) 1 recent photo of any non-fake valid ID papers/documents/ID card/driver's license/library card, etc. 

2) and 2 recent full-body upright (standing position) photos of yourself showing yourself fully naked (1 photo of your front & 1 photo of your back), 

and send these along with

3) a short textual description of your autobiography, your preferred fetish clothes/lingerie/underwear you will bring with you (for example: white bride costume, Japanese-style schoolgirl uniform, OL office-lady clothes, French maid uniform, military-woman uniform, neo-Nazi woman uniform, Tomb-Raider-style adventurer-smartass-woman clothing, climbing-gear-uniform, 1950s-USA-housewife-stay-at-home-mother-everyday-clothes, dumb-slut-daughter pyjamas, waitress clothes, airplane-stewardess lady uniform, medical-nurse uniform, everyday t-shirt & jeans clothes, farmer-woman everyday clothes, hentai-inspired cosplay costume, school-teacher woman clothes (think of 'Relic Hunter' TV-series or the clothes which young university female lecturers wear, etc.), etc.) 

and your real non-fake accomplishments, goals, interests and hobbies,

4) and 1-2 recent photo(s) of your biological parents [BUT they will NOT be involved in this sect in any way except maybe informally allowing you to join this sect and maybe sometimes helping with the homeschooling&parenting of kids IF ve4ernik explicitly agrees to that.]... {If you are full-orphan (=both parents are dead) or half-orphan (one parent is dead), please skip this step by writing that one (or both) of your biological parents are dead / missing / or you don't know them... PLEASE DO NOT LIE about this or you will NOT be accepted into this sect or you will be forced to leave IF your lies cause big problems for ve4ernik or for his (this) sect['s harem]!

5) You have to read ALL the text on this webpage and after comparing yourself in the mirror with ALL listed REQUIREMENTS and after reading the CONTRACT below and accepting to follow it and to sign in paper that you will obey it while in this sect['s harem], you have to

--- SEND all that [ = above-mentioned 1) + 2) + 3) + 4) + "5) write 'I completely agree to obey the CONTRACT&ve4ernik - while in this (i.e. ve4ernik's) sect['s harem].'" ] as an email to or to Viber-app/Tel.: +359 988 308 907 (preferably send as email with the photos as file-attachments or preferably use Viber-app to send the information via free-WiFi-hotspots (or in desperation - via (often paid/expensive...) mobile Internet connection...) instead of via SMS or regular phone-call so as NOT to get to pay extra money for SMSs/regular-phone-calls..., etc.).

2.4. [ ] { Lastly, as already mentioned above, _you must sign a CONTRACT OF RULES when joining my sect's harem_. The contract's full text is this one (when you come to the location of ve4ernik's sect, you may just sign in paper that you have read&understood the digital version of the contract of rules below and that you meet ALL requirements for joining this sect and that you agree to comply with ALL promises in this CONTRACT OF RULES):

CONTRACT OF RULES for joining ve4ernik's sect['s harem] (NO, it's not a marriage contract but it's kinda like a private prenup!)

    1. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, confirm that I have read ALL requirements for joining this sect's harem and I confirm that I meet ALL the requirements and that I have NOT lied about meeting ALL the requirements and that I agree to be forced to leave this sect without blaming ve4ernik about anything - in case I lied about this. (THIS MEANS THAT I VOLUNTARILY AGREE TO JOIN & TO STAY IN ve4ernik's sect['s harem] & I agree to participate in the sexual fetishes & general lifestyle & beliefs/philosophy & other activities of this sect.)...

    2. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, confirm that I am joining this sect VOLUNTARILY (and that I can only apply as a candidate biological woman - to join up to 3 times in total!) so I have only myself to blame for any consequences resulting from joining this sect, so I will NOT sue ve4ernik in a court of law and I will NOT seek help/support from government or from anyone else (except for my biological parents BUT they will NOT be involved in this sect in any way except maybe informally allowing me to join this sect and maybe sometimes helping with the homeschooling&parenting of kids IF ve4ernik explicitly agrees to that) because by joining this sect['s harem] I give my total allegiance only to ve4ernik & I swear to be faithful first to ve4ernik, and second - to this sect and its harem, while I am in this sect. If I leave this sect, I can later re-join (up to 3 times in total) if I sign this CONTRACT OF RULES again, but I understand that joining this sect['s harem] means a long-term commitment to it&to ve4ernik.

    3. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, confirm that I agree to give full custody (parenting rights) to ve4ernik over any babies (kids) I (or any/all other women in this sect['s harem]) make while in this sect['s harem], while keeping my right of co-parenting while being in this sect. So, if I leave this sect, all the kids I (or any/all other women in this sect) make/made while being in this sect, all stay with and belong to ve4ernik&remain with the sect.

    4. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, confirm that I agree to VOLUNTARILY participate in this sect['s harem] & to obey ve4ernik (SEXUALLY & in all other ways) {most of the time} while reserving my right to express my opinions within this sect BUT I agree to NOT publicly share this sect's activities or secrets EXCEPT IF ve4ernik explicitly agrees to that. I also agree to homeschooling of any kids part of this sect.

    5. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, confirm that I can leave this sect['s harem] at any time with prior explicit announcement to ve4ernik BUT that I give ve4ernik total freedom for him to do/take any DNA-paternity-tests of any kids & for him to do/take any pregnancy tests from/on/of women in this sect['s harem], I promise NOT to abort any babies (except in the rare occasion of a medically detected/diagnosed serious medical/congenital/genetic problem, confirmed by multiple real non-fake medical doctors who ve4ernik may ask for help), and I promise NOT to use any contraceptives while in this sect['s harem], & ____I promise NOT to have sex with any other men except ve4ernik UNLESS ve4ernik explicitly allows me____, & I promise NOT to reveal this sect's activities and secrets to outside people UNLESS ve4ernik explicitly allows me, and most importantly I also renounce/relinquish/abdicate full parenting rights of all kids born within this sect - by giving them all to ve4ernik (so any kid(s) made remain in the & belong to this sect&remain with ve4ernik), and that I agree to be forced to leave this sect['s harem] IF I have sex (or make kid(s)) with men other than ve4ernik WITHOUT HIS EXPLICIT PERMISSION - while being in this sect, and that I agree to be forced to leave this sect['s harem] IF I don't obey ve4ernik {most of the time} while NOT braking any/all the promises I have made by signing this contract of rules. And I also promise NOT to leave this sect while I am pregnant but I may, upon mutual agreement or if I brake any of these promises, leave after giving birth, but any kid(s) born in this sect - will always remain with & belong to ve4ernik & be parented by ve4ernik&(co-)parented/homeschooled within/in this sect['s harem]. I promise NOT to seek or to try to utilize any loopholes in this CONTRACT & I agree to fully obey it while in this sect['s harem] & I recognize only ve4ernik first & as second in command - his grown-up male biological kids - as the final and only authority in this sect['s harem]. Finally, I promise NOT to be asking for any/much money from ve4ernik or from this sect['s harem], because I understand and I fully accept that this sect['s harem's] focus is (regular) sex-&babymaking-&fetish-oriented, not a money-centric focus.

    6. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, promise NOT to abort any babies (except for the above-mentioned reasons in very rare and highly unlikely cases...) and NOT to seriously physically harm, damage, hurt, or kill the man ve4ernik or any of the other women who are part of this sect's harem, except in minor or ONLY sexual ways as part of the sect's sexual activities - under ve4ernik's supervision and explicit order or consent. I also promise the same non-violence&non-killing pledge towards any kids born within this sect, except for minor spanking, etc. as part of (co-)parenting&homeschooling of any of the kids born within this sect.

    7. I, the undersigned, as a biological woman, confirm that I will never have any claims of real-estate property or claims over the ownership of any big-wealth towards ve4ernik and this sect of his or towards the other women in this sect['s harem] or towards any of the kids born within this sect, while I agree to use ve4ernik's & the sect's [harem's] real-estate properties, land, owned items, etc. as my own (along with the rest of the sect's members) while I am a member of this sect - promising not to damage them much and not to give or lend or sell them to anyone except with ve4ernik's explicit consent, but I fully agree that ONLY the male kids born within this sect (with ve4ernik's biological male grown-up kids being the primary inheritor and owner of all such wealth and real-estate properties and owned items, etc.) - will inherit any real-estate properties, land, owned items, etc. - which belong to ve4ernik & which belong to the sect['s harem]. My loyalty & allegiance I swear only to ve4ernik (the man) & to this sect's harem and to the protection of the interests of ve4ernik and of this sect's harem and kids, and I promise to turn to ve4ernik or to his grown-up biological male kid(s) as the only people setting the rules, rituals, and any other activities of this sect['s harem], and that any kids born within/in this sect['s harem] automatically become members of this sect (&become full members when they reach their teenage years/14-16-18y.o./grow up), and I agree to be forced to leave this sect['s harem] IF ve4ernik explicitly announces that I have broken any or all of the above promises as part of this contract, which I sign in order to be admitted as a woman member of ve4ernik's sect['s harem].



    (NO, it's not a legally-binding marriage contract because ve4ernik's sect sees mainstream governments as mostly illegitimate for multiple valid reasons, BUT it's kinda like a private prenup as ve4ernik's sect is internally regulated by its own rules and does NOT recognize as legitimate and mostly doesn't obey evil government('s) fake written laws and fake morality and brainwashing mainstream 'media' and similar manipulative lies!)

____TO SUM UP ( = CLARIFICATION): You are joining this sect voluntarily, 

    and you meet ALL requirements for joining (including agreeing to this sect's [harem's] fetishes/kinks/paraphernalia/taboos & general lifestyle & homeschooling+co-parenting of any kid(s) [born as] part of this sect['s harem]), 

    and ____you promise to obey ve4ernik while staying in this sect (while being free to express your opinions within this sect) & you promise NOT to have sex and not to make/have kid(s) with any other men except ve4ernik UNLESS ve4ernik explicitly allows you____, & you promise NOT to reveal this sect['s harem]'s activities and secrets to outside people UNLESS ve4ernik explicitly allows you,

    and you relinquish all parenting rights [of any kids you (or other women in this sect) make/made within this sect] to (=giving full parenting rights & agreeing to the taking of any pregnancy tests & to any DNA paternity tests requested by ve4ernik) ve4ernik - in case you leave this sect (this means that ve4ernik keeps/gets full parenting custody of all kids in this sect in all scenarios, especially if you leave this sect... = all kids made within the sect belong to ve4ernik), 

    and you agree to be forced to leave this sect['s harem] IF you brake the above promises or if you don't meet ALL requirements for joining this sect --- WITHOUT blaming ve4ernik for anything, and you promise NOT to sue ve4ernik in any court of law and NOT to seek help from government or from anyone else while you are part of this sect (except maybe your biological parents informally allowing you to join this sect and maybe sometimes them helping with the homeschooling&co-parenting of kids IF ve4ernik explicitly agrees to that), and you agree NOT to demand any money from ve4ernik because you agree to this sect's general lifestyle & fetishes & beliefs/philosophy as privately revealed to you when you {applied to or later successfully} joined this sect['s harem].

    YES, THIS ALSO MEANS THAT YOU CAN JOIN THIS SECT['S HAREM], HAVE REGULAR SEX&EXPLAINED-WHEN-YOU-JOIN FETISH SEX&MAKE KID(S) WITHIN THIS SECT['S HAREM], OBEY ve4ernik WHILE IN THE SECT['S HAREM], AND LATER LEAVE THIS SECT['S HAREM] VOLUNTARILY OR BE FORCED TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF DISLOYALTY OR FOR BRAKING ANY OF/THE PROMISES IN THE CONTRACT ABOVE, BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE ANY KID(S) WITH YOU WHEN YOU VOLUNTARILY LEAVE THIS SECT IN SUCH A WAY (so any kid(s) made remain in the sect & belong to this sect&always remain with&belong to ve4ernik as the head of the sect['s harem], even if you voluntarily leave or even if you are forced [e.g. by ve4ernik] to leave this sect; that also means that you CAN'T leave while pregnant and before giving birth.).

    You also promise not to do much physical harm and not to kill ve4ernik or any of the other members of this sect['s harem] (except minor harm in sexual ways under ve4ernik's supervision or explicit orders, or as minor harm like spanking, etc. via (co-)parenting&homeschooling of any kids born in this sect's harem), not to abort any babies made within/by this sect, and that you will not have any claims towards any wealth belonging to ve4ernik or belonging to his sect's harem, and that you fully agree to give all inheritance of ve4ernik and his sect's harem - only to the biological male grown-up kids born/made within/in/by this sect['s harem].____

    (calendar date) ... (your handwritten signature & name/nickname here) }

3. [ ] Available free spots in this sect are LIMITED TO (contact ve4ernik via Viber-app or phone-call to +359 988 308 907 or via emailing to get information about whether a free spot is currently available):

    8 white-race women (Bulgaria, Europe, USA, Australia, etc.) --- brunettes or black-haired are preferred. White-race ethnic Bulgarian women with both biological parents also being white-race ethnic Bulgarians (even if one or both parents are dead...) are the most preferred.

    1 Japanese woman --- brunettes or black-haired are preferred.

    1 Chinese woman --- brunettes or black-haired are preferred.

    = 10 women IN TOTAL

    NO MIXED-RACE women. You have to show recent photo(s) of your biological parents BUT they will NOT be involved in this sect in any way except maybe informally allowing you to join this sect and maybe sometimes helping with the homeschooling&co-parenting of kids IF ve4ernik explicitly agrees to that.

Mostly submissive virgin women, or women who have only had sex with condoms and aren't pregnant, haven't used any contraceptives except condoms, aren't married and have no children - are the most preferred.

4. [ ] These types of women will NOT be accepted 

{for a list of 25 desirable qualities which some quality men seek in a woman __but which are NOT requirements for joining ve4ernik's sect's harem___, watch the video 'TOP 25 SIGNS OF A GOOD WOMAN...( The Holy Grail Of Females )' on The33Secrets video-channel}:

* __NO FEMINIST WOMEN (!!!)__ [if as a biological woman you don't get the hetero-sexual babymaking & male-dominating-female pro-life natural biological focus of sex, you are beyond hopeless & I don't welcome you into my sect's harem... So good luck with other men or as being a sexually active lg(b)tq+ _with other people_, etc. Regarding this topic, ve4ernik is kinda tolerant of lg(b)tq+ people BUT he is NOT openly pro-lgbtq+ and has ALWAYS hated George-Soros-funded lg(b)tq+ 'pride' parades in Bulgaria for personal reasons - so if you are an lg(b)tq+ human person, just be sexually active as that - instead of trying to force kids/underage-people/everyone else to become that & shoving it in our faces all the fucking time, jeez...],

* __women who had 'covid-19' 'vaccine(s)' jabs are usually NOT welcomed in this sect [THIS MEANS that only non-'covid-19'-jabbed women can join this sect because only such women are critical of evil governments & fakenews mainstream Jewish-Israel-USA-CIA-FBI-NSA/KGB-FSB-Russia/PRC-China-owned 'media' and see through many of the lies & hypocrisy of everyone, especially the lies&manipulation of evil 'government(s)'...__]

* no [much-]female-domination-over-men-bent (femdom) women (Sorry not sorry, dominatrix women! Seek other men, not ve4ernik!)

* no women who don't want to or don't accept being sexually dominated by a man (i.e. by ve4ernik) [This sect is a man-dominating-women-sexually harem after all!]

* __no married women__, 

* __no single moms__, 

* __no women with ex-husbands and/or with kid(s)__, 

* no pro-choice women (only pro-life),

* no women who use (or support the use of any) anti-baby contraceptives of any kind [this sect is based on & focuses on a mix of spiritual teachings, sorta hard [countryside] life & art-making & discussions/podcast-making, and especially on sex&babymaking&sexual-fetishes as part of this sect's harem, so you can't join IF you as a biological woman don't want [regular] sex and kid(s) within/from being in/while in this sect; but it's okay if you have only used condoms before], 

* no women who have had more than 10 sex-partner men, 

* no pregnant women (no women who are already pregnant from another man!),

* no women who have previously participated in orgies/gangbangs with 2 or more men,

* no women who have AIDS or who have other serious STDs - if you are NOT a virgin and you have had previous sex-partner men, you can easily get medical tests to see if you have any of that serious STDs - these tests are free or quite cheap and are offered at most local non-fake hospitals,

* NO FEMINIST WOMAN or too-physically-strong women (it's a man-run [sect] harem of women after all!)

* no hard drug addicts (occasional drinking is okay, alcoholism is NOT!), 

* no fat women, 

* no ugly women, 

* no women with serious medical problems (so, also no deaf, no mute, and no blind women!), 

* no hard smokers women, 

* no women who are [very/much] pro-government or who trust [evil lying] government(s) & mainstream 'media' too much, 

* no women who lack even a primary or high-school education (or homeschooling equivalents!), 

* no women who are pro-Jews/Jews-moneybribed/pro-Israel/Israel-moneybribed or pro-Russia/Russia-moneybribed or pro-Turkey/Turkey-moneybribed or who aren't at least somewhat critical of the EU(SSR), USA, Americanization, globalization, and too much neolib(eralism), PRC China, the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and who aren't critical of mainstream 'media' and mainstream 'education' and mainstream society as a whole...,

* no business lady 'strong independent women' (but basic trading/bartering/small-business skills are okay!), 

* no secret-agent/spy women or secret-agent puppets (unless the secret-agent woman is a renegade/maverick/discharged/left the job/work),

* politician women are usually not welcomed BUT women who discuss politics, economy, history, philosophy, religions, occult, esoterica, ideologies, science&technology, etc. are a plus UNLESS we disagree too much about such topics,

* VIP women are usually NOT welcomed in this sect BUT you can try your luck to apply for joining - BUT DON'T be surprised IF your application for joining this sect is denied (not approved) by ve4ernik,

* women who have Jewish/Israel biological parents & who are a Jew - are NOT welcome in this sect (please NOTE that women who identify as Christian or facade-Christian women are welcomed to join cuz they aren't considered Jews by the strict definition of that word),

* Islamic women are also NOT welcomed - there are plenty of other men and other harems and other sects in the Islamic & Christian & other countries, and there are plenty of Turkish/Islamic Bulgarians in Bulgaria - so go get/join/marry/have-sex-with these men instead,

* women who approve of the deeply wrong practices in 2019+ USA of [forced / dumb-brainwashed-parents-approved] 'hormonal therapy', '[biological-]sex-change medical procedures', and [forced] lg(b)tq+ propaganda & 'don't ever have kids & only ever care about copying mainstream 'media' and moneymaking' propaganda & evil practices of babies-swapping-at-the-hospital and of hiding/lying about who the biological father of a kid/kids really is (which can be proven via non-fake DNA-paternity tests done by several independently working M.D.s at the parent(s) explicit or secret request...) - being pushed onto minors/kids/younger-than-12-14-16-18y.o. humans - are VERY MUCH NOT WELCOMED AT ALL in this sect['s harem] & are advised to go to hell ASAP or to research what 'the other side' has to say and to do their own research and to change their stance on this USA-woke-culture-nightmare problem and to stop all serious sexual advances towards any kids which are NOT your own consenting&above-12-18y.o. biological kids,


4.1. [ ] ____In addition, unless you are a (mostly) submissive woman, but dangerous if needed and having practical skills, & UNLESS you agree with the sect's main 7 sexual fetishes & general lifestyle which will be revealed when you submit the requested information as a candidate woman wishing to join this sect, you will NOT be accepted into this sect (the sect's sexual fetishes & alternative lifestyle will be revealed during a short chat/email/Viber-call interview with each candidate woman____ - initiated via sending an email to --- or chat-message/call to Viber-app/Tel.: +359 988 308 907 (preferably use Viber-app to send the information via free-WiFi-hotspots (or in desperation - via (often paid/expensive) mobile Internet connection) instead of via SMS or regular phone-call so as NOT to get charged extra money..., etc.) --- with the information listed in big bullet-point 2. above & also meeting the rest of the requirements listed above and below).

4.2. [ ] The 7 main (sexual) fetishes/kinks/sexual paraphernalia of ve4ernik's sect['s harem] --- they will be revealed privately when you apply to join... : 


(other fetishes may happen as real sex acts upon explicit mutual agreement)

5. [ ] Minimum working skills in English & Bulgarian language, interest in philosophy, tech R&D, history, arts, literature, comparative religious studies, theology, occult, private farming & hunting, and crafts --- are recommended. Swimming skills & hunting skills & photographer skills & laptop-using/gamer-girl skills & cosplay-porn & reading hobby & podcasting/video-blogging skills --- are a plus. Driving&basic cooking&fishing&teaching skills are a plus but are NOT required.

Being a kinda-Bulgaria-patriot woman despite adopting some foreign stuff into your personality traits and practical skills - these are BIG PLUS points!

6. [ ] If you are NOT God-fearing but (even if you are mostly) atheist-like/eclectic-syncretist/'pagan' in behavior, and if you don't want regular sex & kids, you will NOT be accepted into this sect['s harem]. [Please DON'T mistake God-fearing for religious-ritualistic (despite some such rituals within this sect...) or for Bible-literalist or for being scholastic/scriptural-abiding, it's a spiritual personal fear&awe&pan(en)theistic-experiencing of the Divine - e.g. as understanding how human life is quite difficult (& that some scout/survivalism practical skills are needed), as experiential-existential-WorldPlayDramaGameTheaterStage-GreatProcess-ing limit-experiences - as dangerous situations or dramatic turns-of-events or as tragedies deeply transforming you, or as 'the oceanic feeling'...!]

As a side note, although ve4ernik doesn't believe in astrology / the Zodiac signs much, it is observed that women whose Zodiac birth-sign according to their calendar birthdate is - Taurus or Virgo or Scorpio (especially these 3) or Pisces or Cancer - seem to be the best match for a Capricorn and ve4ernik is formally a Capricorn according to his calendar birthdate. Although ve4ernik admires Gemini men for often being great talkers with amazing social skills, he is NOT interested in Gemini women because they lie too much - just like Gemini men often do.

7. [ ] This is NOT a very-rich-people's lifestyle & you will NOT get any/much money if you join this sect, you have been warned! Applying to join this sect['s harem] is FREE & DOESN' T COST ANY MONEY (except maybe for mobile-Internet/free-WiFi-hotspot/cable-Internet/etc. internet connection via Viber-app / email, or for phone-calls - when sending your application information for joining & when receiving replies from ve4ernik like questions&answers or a final YES or NO about whether you are accepted into this sect['s harem]!!!)

BUT you may have to pay some money for travel-costs for transport to get to our sect's location in Bulgaria {ALTHOUGH WE MAY HAVE TO MOVE OUR (ve4ernik's) SECT TO ANOTHER/DIFFERENT LOCATION(S) IF NEEDED}. 

If you are very money-poor, you may phone-call +359 988 308 907 or email or Viber-chat text-message/call ve4ernik at +359 988 308 907 --- to maybe arrange for us to try to pay travel costs for transport for you to get to this sect's location in Bulgaria IF YOU ARE IN BULGARIA (sorry, we can't pay travel costs for you to move from another country to Bulgaria/country-where-this-sect-may-move-to-if-needed, you have to pay that [by] yourself!). BUT IF you do NOT meet ALL requirements listed for joining this sect and/or if you are lying about who you are and your age, you will be forced to leave this sect immediately (when you come to the sect's location) and you will have only yourself to blame for that!

END OF The 7 REQUIREMENTS FOR JOINING ve4ernik's sect['s harem]





1. Joining the sect is VOLUNTARY. But joining is a long-term commitment & the sect is a reclusive group... This ensures that you have ONLY yourself to blame IF you join. Also, never offer to join IF you don't like what you have learned about ve4ernik from this website, or if you are NOT in Bulgaria or can afford to move to Bulgaria. Also, if needed, the sect can move elsewhere.

2. You MUST be an 18-25y.o. woman of AT LEAST average beauty with a beautiful face.
You have to email 1 recent  photo of any non-fake valid ID papers/documents/card/driver's license, etc. & 2 recent non-fake photos of yourself showing yourself naked (1 photo of your front & 1 photo of your back) --- to .

3. Available free spots are LIMITED TO:

8 white-race women (6 from Bulgaria & Europe, and 2 from USA, Australia, etc.) --- brunettes or black-haired are preferred. NO Russian/Belarusian/Ukrainian women --- go get other men, dear scamy backstabbing golddiggers!

1 Japanese --- brunettes or black-haired are preferred.

1 Chinese woman --- brunettes or black-haired are preferred.

= 10 women in total

NO MIXED-RACE women. You have to show recent photo(s) of your biological parents.

4. These types of women will NOT be accepted:

no married women,

no single moms,

no women with ex-husbands and/or with kid(s),

no pro-choice women (only pro-life),

no women who have had more than 10 sex-partner men,

no drug addicts,

no fat women,

no ugly women,

no women with serious medical problems,

no hard smokers,

no women who are pro-government (this is a sect after all!!!),

lacking even a primary/high-school education (or homeschooling equivalent) - is a big minus,

no women who are pro-Jews or pro-Russia or pro-Turkey,

no business 'strong independent women' (unless you are willing to change a lot!),

no secret-agent puppets (unless you are willing to change a lot!),

politician women are usually not welcomed (unless you are willing to change a lot!).

In addition, unless you are a submissive woman, but dangerous if needed and having practical skills, & UNLESS agree with the sect's sexual fetishes & lifestyle, you will NOT be accepted into this sect (the sect's 7 sexual fetishes & its alternative lifestyle will be revealed during a short chat interview with each candidate woman - initiated via sending an email to with the information listed in point 1. above).

5. Minimum working skills in English & Bulgarian language, interest in philosophy, tech R&D, history, arts, literature, comparative religious studies, theology, occult, private farming & hunting, and crafts --- are recommended. Swimming skills & hunting skills & photographer skills & laptop-using/gamer-girl skills & cosplay-porn & reading hobby &  especially podcasting/video-blogging skills & cooking & storytelling skills --- are a plus. Driving skills are a plus but are NOT required. Most women with a primary/secondary formal education (or equivalent homeschooling education) comply with at least the languages & philosophy/podcasting interest requirement!

6. If you are NOT God-fearing but atheist-like/eclectic-syncretist in behavior, and if you don't want regular sex & kids, you will NOT be accepted into this sect.

7. This is NOT a very-rich-people's lifestyle & you will NOT get any/much money if you join this sect, you have been warned! (Sorry not sorry, golddiggers! :P )