
Те (военните, корпорациите и тайните общества от черни магьосници magitek технолози) са стигнали САМО до там с технологиите, нали? Ха-ха-ха, да бе, с 50-100 г. напред са спрямо достъпните за цивилните технологии (навярно)... още 1960-те вижте изобретението на Ivan Sutherland - де факто първото 3D CAD със светлинна писалка върху CRT екран/монитор... А в Stargate Atlantis (TV) показаха iPhone-подобни фаблети-таблети още преди 2007 г.!?! Дирижаблите на Хинденбург от 1930-те и нацистките НЛО-та (дадени им от Сивите извънземни?) и камбаната бомба и наченки на атомната бомба, Tunguska incident & Nikola Tesla, the Phoenix Lights UFOs, the 1947 Roswell incident [& the suspicious sudden appearance of the transistors&microchips&motherboards&integrated circuits in the USA] (това второто според skybooksusa.com са били военни дирижабли на Япония, свалени от военните на САЩ), Terminator air-drones air-dropping remote-controlled Terminators, черно-сиви триъгълни и с форма на пура и с форма на летяща чиния НЛО-та, въртящи се на 360 градуса и правещи остри и 90-градусови завои?!? Ancient Aliens - механизмът от Антикитера (тракийско-древногръцко механичен компютър от 3-4 в. пр. н. е. / пр. Хр.!), OOPAs,  Вимана НЛО-тата от Древна Индия и съпътстващи ги ядрени катастрофи в древността, евреите и цар Соломон черния magitek магьосник-технолог и Кивота / Айнщайн / откраднатите нацистки НЛО-та и наченки на атомната бомба - Manhatten Project & 2 бр. ядрени взривове на САЩ над Япония (Хирошима и Нагасаки) и т.н.

Full-spectrum dominance total-war(fare): miniaturization/microchips electronics, nuclear weapons & WoMDs & intercontinental missiles, outer-space/geo-orbital satellites & space-stations & spaceships & space-probes; number+quality+skills of people, food supplies&supply-chains&water, vehicles & fuel & repairs/maintainance, guns/weapons&protective gear, airplanes&helicopters (aerial/air supremacy), tanks, blood, sweat, tears. steel, germs/biochemo+outbreeding+interbreeding war, PsyOps/'media' propaganda/disinfo/misinfo/lies/set-ups, SpecOps, BlackOps, Silver operations, MIAs, MIBs, black helicopters, intelligence agencies / spies+surveillance, sleeper-agents [&double agents & triple agents & went-rogue renegade forgotten black-project paramilitary ex-/testing-phase-agent] [including with ESPs/siddhi(s)/paranormal-supernatural powers & extreme genetic-memory & memory-implants&impersonation-role-acting top-performance]/ Manchurian candidates / Project Monarch / MK-ULTRA'd brainwashed Rambo-like/Universal-Soldier4-like super-soldiers, whore-houses for blackmailing + leisure for the ultra-wealthy/ultra-rich & money on a stick like a carrot promises, _number of groups controlled_ (illuminati playing-cards game), whistleblowers&conspiracy theories, insider-leaks, 'revelation of the method', 'STRANGE GAME, PROFESSOR WALKEN. THE ONLY WINNING MOVE IS NOT TO PLAY' (War Games [film]), cyber-warfare/electronic-warfare, signal-jamming & re-routing espionage, Internet=интернат/интернирам, NAT firewall => NATO/OTAN, AT&T=att, p2p-filesharing, transducers&transceivers&full-duplex antennas+cables, electromagnetic spectrum allocation & ham-radio hobbyists, numbers stations, D.U.M.B.S. (global DeepState deep underground military bunkers galleries/tunnels system connecting all the Great Powers countries + China + India + Vatican/Rome + Romania + Egypt + Sumeria/Mesopotamia + Turkey + Japan, materiel, strategy vs. tactics, army morale ('The Day After Tomorrow' (film)), etc. ...

Many UFO Reports Are Just Spy Drones or Airborne Trash/space junk or 'just weather balloons, bro'


trufax.org - Matrix5 books & Matrix I & II & II & IV books .torrent/.magnet & The Terra Papers 1&2 by Robert Morning Sky






https://singularityhub.com/2020/04/06/how-a-new-ai-translated-brain-activity-to-speech-with-97-percent-accuracy/ = 5G-towers = evil mind-reading consciousness-influencing electromagnetic+sound/sonic/acoustic psychotronics???? :(((


http://bibliothecapleyades.net - search: "D.U.M.B.S." on http://bibliothecapleyades.net & google PizzaGate+EpsteinIsland + "covid-19"=coverup+DepopulationPoisonAgenda




http://parallelreality-bg.com (last one=semi-true KGB-connected-maybe-Bulgarian-whistleblower&esoteric-researcher)



9/11 2001 = false-flag inside-job by Jews/MOSSAD, Jews-funded CIA & Saudi Arabia & Bush Jr. administration/government & pre-planted detonator explosive bombs during construction & Nikola Tesla's DeathRay torsion-waves/vortex gun used which Jewish-funded CIA stole from Tesla after/near his death & Orion—Sirius alien/extraterrestrial UFOs spotted near 9/11 catastrophe maybe shooting at the buildings as a bonus; 

And dangerous top-secret electromagnetic & sound/sonic/acoustic psychotronics-like tech:

USA army's V-MAD, LRAD, 5G-towers frying people & influencing them via psychotronics, sonic/sound/acoustic levitation & electricity (also used in the alien—Jewish Ark of the Covenant now located in Ethiopia & protected) ("sound that kills or levitates - see also the 'Dune (1984 film)") & laser ("light that cuts"), sonar, radar, laser, killer&spying air-drones & flying hot-air balloons, SmartGrid dystopia via satellites grid + 5G towers + "covid-19" 'vaccines' poison+microchip+experimental-DNA-therapy&depopulation-tool&infertilization&blood-cloths+thrombosis-inducing-tool

[pictures to be posted later on ... ]

* * *





Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

New court filings reveal that two of the Saudi hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77 on 9/11 were recruited by a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level.



Timothy Robert


Apr 23

It’s in the news: 

CIA killed JFK

9/11 was an inside job

SARS-CoV-2 is a US bioweapon

ClotShots are a Depopulation tool

Hunter Biden Laptop revelations

Huge money laundering through Ukraine

US govt blew up Nordstream

US govt wants WWIII

Life goes on like nothing happens

Apr 23, 2023 · 10:15 AM UTC



❞ 112

♥ 6,349

Timothy Robert


Apr 23

I consider FoxNews Mainstream

RFK’s speech was mainstreamed

Seymour Hersh is a highly respected & awarded journalist noone can ignore

Just 3 examples

Also, 9/11 documents have been unclassified recently that reveal CIA hired 9/11 hijackers & blocked FBI from investigating them



❞ 1

♥ 284

Timothy Robert






Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

New court filings reveal that two of the Saudi hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77 on 9/11 were recruited by a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level.

@MaxBlumenthal: "You can just point a finger at Langley, the CIA, and Alec Station and say you are responsible for letting 9/11 happen."


Teresa DeSantis





Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

New court filings reveal that two of the Saudi hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77 on 9/11 were recruited by a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level.


: "You can just point a finger at Langley, the CIA, and Alec Station and say you are responsible for letting 9/11 happen."









* * *

"The Illuminati are a loose alliance of Jewish finance and the British/America/European aristocracy joined by marriage, money, and belief in the occult (Freemasonry). Winston Churchill, a Freemason whose mother was Jewish, fits this description perfectly.   

They own vast interlocking cartels (banking, oil, pharmaceuticals, war, chemicals, minerals, media, etc.) and control society and government through corporate and professional groups, the media, education, secret societies, think tanks, foundations and intelligence agencies. Their goal is "to absorb the world's wealth" (in Cecil Rhodes' words) and control its citizens using war, propaganda, "education" and social engineering.

Nations (Britain, US, Israel), movements (Zionism, Socialism, Nazism, Communism), and people (Americans, Germans, Jews) are their pawns to be sacrificed to their demented megalomaniac scheme for global dictatorship. Bormann's career illustrates how they plant sleeper agents and orchestrate wars to advance this long-term objective."

Quote from https://www.henrymakow.com/ - Martin Bormann - Ran Hitler for the Illuminati - May 8, 2023 & parallelreality-bg.com search for "Хитлер" via the search-bar there...
