

... 02-June-2023 @ 00:20am EEST/UTC+03:00 ---  to be expanded&updated as soon as possible (ще бъде разширено и допълнено при първа възможност)...

Ако имате лош личен автобиографичен опит в живота си, значи вече сте Realpolitik blackpill'd за политиката в България и по света & sexualTheRedPill'd спрямо жените, и ако сте чели „Дао Дъ Дзин“ от Лао-Дзъ и historic recurrences, знаете, че... оправия няма [тъй че грабвай оръжия, вкл. огнестрелни реални и с патрони, и жени кучки за секс&бебеправене, и си прави бункери до селската ферма, от която се самоизхранваш, и не вярвай на „медии“, „политици“ и „държавни институции“ и на СЗО и на милиадери чипатори+експлоататори+лъжци и на (особено еврейски) банкстери, и сформирай свои нео-наци алтерглобалистко-патриотични анархокапиталистическо-социалноанархистки паравоенни мафиотско-икономически групировки банди!], само трагикомично клоунов-свят сатанинско Шоу... ;( Но все пак за 2023+ г. следните идеи биха били донякъде полезни за въвеждане в България, но „политиците“ и „медиите“ в България са просто фасади на местни и чуждестранни мафиотско-корпоративни олигарси и (предимно еврейски) централни банкстери, печатащи хартиените пари, тъй че те едва ли имат топките да коментират и въведат всичко долуописано... пък и вече видяхте „ковид-19“ тоталитализма на злите правителства, подкупени от евреите централни банкстери, илюминати сатанистите олигарси и от Бил Гейтс, който подкупил и СЗО...  а Западът продължава да бъде подкупван от КНР Китай заради глупостта от алчност за печалба и ниски разходи чрез аутсорсинг към Китай от 2001 г. насам, а Русия и Тръмп за кратко тръгнаха на бунт срещу основното ядро илюминати в протекционистка и анти-еврейска и анти-феминистка посока, после евреите купиха курви да ги прецакат и да ги държат с blackmailing... Jews & Jewish-paid CIA/FBI/NSA/Five Eyes/MOSSAD & KGB & China's secret services, Interpol, Europol, and MI6 = Terrorist #1 sinc 1968! Even Hitler, who was right about the Jewish threat - was initially brainwashed by UK's MI6 - see 'Hitler & Obermann' on http://henrymakow.com ! Anglos & Jews & communists & women & feminists & Jewish 'media' + magitek = BAD NEWS!

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2019-2023+ = THE Second Coming of Christ [=ve4ernik] & the APOCALYPSE/ the Great Awakening, Tribulation, and Armaggeddon from the Christian Bible2



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2019-2023+ = THE Second Coming of Christ [=ve4ernik] & the APOCALYPSE/Rapture/the Great Awakening, Tribulation, and Armaggeddon from the Jewish-Roman-Greek-Byzanthine-Christian Bible...

I. Fuck 'BBB' [('Build Back Better') = the Great Reset by the corrupt evil-ultra-rich-people-playing-God[s]/god elites] & WHAT IS TO BE DONE in/for Bulgaria for everyone - to make things more bareable for all in Bulgaria - 10 steps to alleviate the bad stuff.

II. IMFvsVe4ernik+China+USA-300-450millionUSD-investment-into-Bulgaria - a description of how & for what ve4ernik would have used/spent on/invested-in-Bulgaria&abroad the $10.5 million USD which the corrupt greedy China-sellout&USA-sellout&UN-moneybribing IMF&WorldBank were going to give to me (ve4ernik) & a description of how & for what ve4ernik would have used/spent on/invested-in-Bulgaria&abroad the $300-450 million USD investment which the corrupt greedy PRC China&USA - were going to give to me (ve4ernik)...

[to be posted in 1-3 months here, counting from March-May 2023, if I, ve4ernik, am still alive by then...]

III. Conspiracy no more! List of confirmed conspiracies which the Jewish/intelligence-agencies mainstream 'media' will lie to you about & will not tell you about, except in ways which utilize media 'spins', misinfo, disinfo, propaganda, PsyOps, set-up 'journalism', & history-rewriting - to serve their masters' evil agendas

[to be posted in 1-3 months here, counting from March-May 2023, if I, ve4ernik, am still alive by then...]

IV. The truth about the semi-successful anti-"covid-19"-totalitarianism&anti-"covid-19"-medical-fascism-genocide-against-everyone&against-Bulgarians&against-ve4ernik/Christ 2019-2023+ protests/rebellions/civil-disobedience acts in Bulgaria = they were hijacked by Russia-proxy ПП Възраждане & Jewish-CIA-USA-DemoNcrats-proxies ПП ПП + ДБ - and also by Russia-moneybribed & Jewish-CIA-FBI-NSA-USA-moneybribed & Germany-/EU(SSR)-moneybribed & Turkey-moneybribed & ГЕРБ-СДС/ДПС/БСП-АБВ-moneybribed useful-idiots puppet 'politicians' - to remove Bulgaria-phile patriotic anti-Jewish-Chinese-NWO alterglobalist social-anarchist ve4ernik via 'covid-19' propaganda/disinfo/misinfo/coverups/staged-events/history-rewriting & there were even several assassination attempts targeting ve4ernik which failed thus far.

[to be posted in 1-3 months here, counting from March-May 2023, if I, ve4ernik, am still alive by then...]


I. Fuck 'BBB' [('Build Back Better') = the Great Reset by the corrupt evil-ultra-rich-people-playing-God[s]/god elites] & WHAT IS TO BE DONE in/for Bulgaria for everyone - to make things more bareable for all in Bulgaria - 10 steps to alleviate the bad stuff.

Fuck 'BBB' ('Build Back Better')

Fuck 'BBB' ('Build Back Better') = the Great Reset by the corrupt evil-ultra-rich-people-playing-God[s]/god elites; WHAT IS TO BE DONE in/for Bulgaria for everyone - to make things more bareable for all in Bulgaria - 10 steps to alleviate the bad stuff...

It ain't rocket science the sex/babymaking thing, only problem is expecting male-level logic and rationality/intellignce/wisdom/creative-genius and physical-endurance and loyalty from women, which contemporary women [especially in the USA and in Americanized countries] just don't offer anymore due to years of social-programming and anti-family and feminist/feminazi propaganda since the 1970s, and due to sluttification and pornification & 'no-fault divorce' of women and of culture in general & due to unfaithfulness, contraceptives since 1950s-1970s destroying men & society & culture, and due to sperm-banks & paternity frauds & 'babies swapped in the matrnity ward' cases & 2019+ 'trans'-people fiasco rape-culture & rich people's & Vatican's & Jewish-owned Hollywood's & Tibet's Pizzagate sex-trafficking pedophilia rings, and due to Islamic bodily mutilation or killings of [bitch] women, and due to 'good times make weak men, weak men make hard times, feminism cuckolding & sexual-sublimation-centered Goddess cults...

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A society which brainwashes young men to be feminized and which over-privileges and masculinizes women and gives them too much in divorce court cuz the laws are fucked up via decades of crap, and in which oligopoly and #HumansOfLateCapitalism and government/state overstepping statism, and in which only the top 25% get to have sex and kids with women, and the rest of the men are feminized, brainwashed, underpaid and overexploited and rarely fuck women, is bound for social anarchy and societal collapse and for state failure, and for progressive woke crap turning everything into a fucking mess and censorship dystopia and pussy power and (mostly Jewish) central banksters destroying society and turning into a freakshow and political-correctness nightmare where ugly truths are silenced and history rewriting is rampant...

ve4ernik: The only fix is to become an outlaw criminal or go into the forest and make a cabin/bunker there and stockpile on guns and ammo and on armed trusted male pals...

As Andrew Tate [on YouTube.com] said - only [some of] the very rich (like you) and the very poor [and those rebellious guys who experience many tragedies which induce mystical psychosis and turn them 'mad' from observing society and reading many occult/esoteric/philosophy/religious/fringe-science books and having weird experiences... like me] ever escape the matrix (the systems of society which are designed to enslave us and whose only good point is being a small safety net for the normies) --- as another quote said, most people eventually become like Cipher from the Matrix films, i.e. partially in the Matrix and partially enlightened to the true Realpolitik/blackpill'd & sexist-sexualTheRedPill state of affairs behind-the-scenes and the ugly forbidden truths...

ve4ernik: the People: 'So, um, what do we do IF we can't make masculine again and degeneracy and woke crap win? 🤔😓😢😭 '

Me: 'Simple - the USA and other countries should just 

0) no 'sex change' , 'hormonal therapy', & trans-people in satanic drag-queen costumes teaching kids in schools... You are the biological sex you were born as, deal with it: 99% are male/boy/man or female/girl/woman, 1% are futanari/dickgirl or man-pussy semi-hermaphrodites or full hermaphrodites (having fertile reproductive+molking-boobs organs of both biological sexes - male & female), or lab-escaped supersoldier/semi-cyborg/chimera experiment or an alien/extraterrestrial or a recent-breed alien/extraterrestrial–human hybrid, that's it... trans-people in sports for the opposite/complementary biological sex = no, thanks! Just compete in a lighter sports category or form your own specialized niche sports competition, simple as!

1) LEGALIZE prostitution for 18+y.o. women 

BUT slutshame too-hypergamous women 

and the men in society must make it clear that loyal women who stick and are loyal wives and have practical skills - are the norm along with prostitutes and pornstars, 

and NOT to keep feeding the sluttification of women and disloyalty of both sexes - as the norm... 🤔 And also, we need to 

2) introduce permanent U.B.I. (universal basic income) in the form of $10-30 USD given for free at the nearest post office or bank - to all unemployed people - only show some ID papers to get that money or you can even get it without ID papers as long as their computer database says you aren't listed with your real/fake name as a person on an official written work/job contract - you can still be working paralegally or illegally or underground as a freelancer/contractor (or as a digital nomad even!) for money/barter for resources/wealth/services/information-data, of course.

And it is time to realize that the so-called 'war on drugs' has failed so legalize the light drugs but always explain on all their packaging that chronic use of drugs and overdosing can lead to death or to severe irrepairable health issues... [also, Jewish bankster George Soros is profiting off of the legalization of some types of drugs in some U.S. states in the USA].


3) free state-/government-funded ER medical services strongly funded by the small minarchism government _ with quality food given to patients (like in Japan) and no fake / bought-medical-diploma liar medical doctors there, only very-well-paid trained&legit professionals on a 6-8h/day or on scheduled days according to a timetable, and with no epicrisis medical diagnosis made up just to steal people's money or to physically/psychologically harm people on purpose out of satanic evil impulses/orders from evil government or central banksters...


4) offer paid 1-8h/day not-too-hard well-paid jobs to everyone, even in rural villages.

And 5) for people who don't want to participate in mainstream society, just let them be as long as they don't kill many people (killing evil corrupt government and evil corrupt criminal politicians & killing for self-defence of yourself and of your family/friends in case of a direct physical non-joke attack, and killing invaders attacking your country --- is still kinda justified though)...


5) And legalize and mandate mandatory DNA paternity tests for men, and destroy divorceraping divorce-court laws [see 'no-fault divorces & anti-baby pill/anti-baby-conception methods & Jewish-CIA-satanic mainstream 'media' lies/disinfo - destroying the USA & the West since 1968-1970s...] ALWAYS being on the side of the women - in case one gets married at all, since contemporary marriage in the West is total suicide (especially without prenup documents) and prepping for divorce-raping... also, ban all baby abortions except for the rare occasion [=mostly pro-life stance] that 2-3+ different non-bribed non-fake medical doctors can medically diagnose the unborn fetus as having severe congenital defects or severe genetic syndromes/anomalies - and even then, let the biological parents have the final say/decision to abort the baby or not. Don't want to risk getting pregnant, woman? Just don't have sex acts - just masturbate, simple as... Furthermore, sperm-banks are retarded & are causing havoc, mayhem, chaos & evolutionary-hack cheating --- so just get a man to naturally impregnate you the way nature intended... Better to be poor and have 10 kids, than to be rich but have 1+ abortions. Lastly, surrogate mothers are a neolib plot for evil rich people playing god - to pump out more kids via using poorer women as incubators for their megalomania sinister desires! Don't fuck too-crazy women, feminist women, not-cooking women, and women with 5-10+ previous male sex-partners - these are whores/hoes/bitches, prostitutes, seducer women spies saboteurs send by your enemies, or porn actresses or crazy evil villains women, etc.! Jews often blackmail politicians via moneybribed whores getting sex-scandal video/photo of such VIP people... 'Esoteric Agenda' (the film) already explained how that was done throughout history, including whore public-houses in Ukraine, Venice, Netherlands, Rome, Babylon, Anatolia/Turkey - since ancient times & since the 18. century. 'Media' often do coverups of such sex-scandals...


6) keep encouraging men to man up via the Internet and via strong mostly-moral smart successful men IRL...

ve4ernik: This is really the only partial alleviation solutions to the big mess that we are in due to decades of 'good times and central-banksters/evil-government/oligarchs+CEOs+corporations cartels evil secret agendas, wage stagnation, and crazy single moms raised on 'strong independent woman'&feminism lies / social engineering designed to destroy the family and put forth infertilization via 'vaccines' and via feminizing young men and emasculating and over-privileging women and putting all power in the hands of evil government(s)/central banksters/fakenews "media" --- make weak men & feminism/feminazism'... 😭😢😓

ve4ernik: Correct me IF you think that I am wrong about this, and NO, it is NOT socialism, just a minimal social-benefits net for everyone cuz everyone falls apart in the end...


7) + Pension on/at [40-]50y.o. [for most people]

I.e. you started working on 18-25y.o. and work 20-25 years (continuously or on&off) and become retired pensioner on 50y.o., or 40y.o. if you worked since 18-20y.o.

Or pension at 50-55y.o. if you started working at 35y.o. and worked 15-20 years (continuously or on&off) .

Honestly, pension for all - mandated after 50-55y.o. - is basically evil government&satanic Jewish banksters - over-exploiting you and wanting to kill you off before you can even get a pension... and pension duration is lifelong!

This is all I can come up with at present... 🤔

8) Women should have their right to vote in any elections - completely removed. Most women always vote based on emotions and on looks of the alpha-male politician mafioso scammer, and almost always vote for more government, more evil government intrusion into every aspect of our lives, and always vote for more cash-money handouts to be given to them by evil satanic Jewish central banksters / illuminati Western-European---USA/American---Israel/Jewish satanic oligarchs. Women follow & copy trends and rarely form political opinions diverging from those of their immediate social-bubble social circle & socioeconomic class & cultural-geographic neighbours - they often believe ALL fakenews 'media' lies & rarely are in a position to understand how tough, lonely, and competative & tragic life is as a man... so STFU, bitch & know your role in the hierarchy - it's a men's world - better get used to it! And women are rarely better than men unless the woman is too masculine and ruthless-brutal while the man is less physically strong and/or saintly/too-nice/dependent-or-sheltered-countryside or introvert or 'autist' or anti-social/asocial or too-hurt type...

9) Almost never trust evil government&banksters propaganda called mainstream 'media' 90% owned by Jews - just like CIA/FBI/NSA are Jewish-paid & serve WEF/CIA/CCP-China/Rothschilds illuminati.

10) The right to bare arms (to buy & own weapons, including guns) for people at least 18-21y.o. - like in the USA - is the only way to protect yourself & fight evil governments, evil (mostly Jewish) banksters, and medical fascism genocide like the 'covid-19' pLandemic/scamdemic done by WEF/Bilderbergers/Davos/illuminati, PRC China's CCP & _especially the satanic Jews&Israel_, and by depopulation evil billionaires like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and ultra-rich royals&nobles&puppet sellout censoring 'academia'&'journalists'/'media' & 'politicians'...

11) 2019-2023+ is the End Times - the Christian Bible is Jewish-technocratic-transhumanist-NWO blueprint predictive-programming & 'covid-19' was planned more than 150-800-1800 years ago [Tsarigrad/Istanbul Bulgarian-language Bible - done/translated in 1850-1860s by Slaveykov&Jews-paid Christian missionairies from the USA!] by the evil God-awakened satanic magitek-psionics-siddhi(s)-ESPs-wielding Jews like king Solomon & 'The Terra Papers 1 & 2' by Robert Morning Sky & the Matrix5 books from http://trufax.org & whistleblowers 'conspiracy theorists' who proved (like http://parallelreality-bg.com &  &  &  ) that 9/11 2001 was pre-planned by the evil satanic Jews (especially illuminati central-banksters) / Israel's MOSSAD, Jews-paid CIA/FBI/NSA, and Saudi Arabia, and George Bush Jr.'s USA government/administration - are all behind 9/11 - the pre-planted during-construction explosive detonators, the CIA-bought & MK-ULTRA-brainwashed/PsyOps'd Islamic terrorist airplanes hijackers, & the WTC 7 building exploding without an airplane hitting it, the Pentagon also being hit by CIA-recruited Islamic-terrorist airplane hijacker, the London/UK terrorist attacks after that, 'covid-19' = coverup for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ (=ve4ernik) & the TriBULation & the Apocalypse & the Armaggeddon = ve4ernik, etc. The part in the Bible where the dead resurrect at the Second Coming of Christ - is probably a lie by the Jews & it's more about the evil-governments hiding that reincarnation & historic recurrence & Jewish central-banksters evil illuminati oligarchs - are all mostly true...

12) Bulgaria's central bank - BNB (БНБ) - should be handed over to non-Jewish ethnic white-race Bulgarians & the entire money+banking system & oligarchs/politicians/evil governments/intelligence-agencies/fake religious authorities/fakenews&staged&Jewish+intelligence-agencies-owned mainstream 'media'&internet online social 'media' --- ought to be fought against when evil-government intrusion (& general chaotic money-system/banking failure - like the boom&bust cycles of money-printing & government-bailouts of banks - steals people's real physical/material wealth/riches) into our lives & bitches/feminism/feminazism & general societal collapse, state failure, and culture rot, and socially-engineered decadance & PsyOps'd women & bad employers/corporations/companies & religious churches being exposed for being lying Jewish+intelligence-agencies satanic scammy Ponzi-scheme wealth-accumulating money-grabbing sex-cults of Realpolitik+coverups/censorship/history-rewriting satanism --- are destroying you & your family & friends...

13) Trust no one, _follow the money/wealth-favors-services&insider-leaks_ & who gains/benefits [economy-wise & politically] from situations/scenarios happening in orchestrated 'media'-spin ceremonial-ritual-magick ways, only your intuition/instincts & people being out there for their own selfish interests/gains/primal desires... historic recurrences, media/formal 'education'/'academia' manipulation techniques, sociobiology / socio-sexual hierarchy, sexualTheRedPill, & how human memory works, Alan Watts'&ve4ernik's information, basic demand/search&supply supply-chains economy / Pareto principle / parable of Matthew about wealth/money&knowledge, 1960s+1968 = when the world ended & it's all satanic Show run by banksters&oligarchs&set-ups by intelligence-agencies/military/blackmailing-politicians-via-sex-scandals+moneybribes Jews, & 1860s the Bible was installed in Bulgaria's culture via paid-by-Jews&paid-by-Christian-missionairies-from-the-Jewish-puppet-state-the-USA to be translated into Bulgarian by Slaveykov et al. in Istanbul/Constantinople to serve Jews' transhumanist-technocratic enslaving Jewish+illuminati+China NWO plans of predictive-programming - is how it all fits together...

14) FHRITP (=fuck her right in the pussy'), bro[ther]. All actions have both good & bad & often unintended consequences a.k.a. 'karma', which later comes back to bite you in the ass 'Radiohead - Karma killer.mp4'-style ('what goes around comes around'... or does it? Maybe sometimes in another reincarnation? Who knows... only God knows... )...

The Big Lie & the Game.






Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

New court filings reveal that two of the Saudi hijackers of American Airlines Flight 77 on 9/11 were recruited by a joint CIA-Saudi intelligence operation that was covered up at the highest level.


: "You can just point a finger at Langley, the CIA, and Alec Station and say you are responsible for letting 9/11 happen."




5:47 PM · Apr 26, 2023















Apr 27


Holy crap.








Apr 27

JFK had a quote about this





Show replies




Apr 26

It's all been a lie... get ready...








Apr 26

I’m not even remotely shocked at this point








Apr 26

Just wait until you find out the rest of the truth!




ZNO 🇺🇸



Apr 26

Is the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory on the verge of confirmation?





𝔸𝕝𝕒𝕟 ℕ𝕠𝕧𝕒𝕔𝕤



Apr 26

Some theories have a long soak time.




Donna Bradshaw



Apr 26

As we’ve suspected for quite sometime.








Apr 26

I so wish I could say that this surprises me





We Have It All



Apr 26


Quote Tweet

We Have It All



Apr 21

Where’d the plane go🤔








Apr 26

Yup… the planes hijackers really are the least of my concern… agents running and operating within groups like Al queda has been common knowledge now anyways…

More interested in them convincing the world to act like the laws of physics do no matter…

Quote Tweet




Apr 25

PS @RichardGage_911 - I spent some time wanting to determine if ChatGPT would really disregard “free fall speed” - fundamental physics - it had a hard time and even in the end had issues adapting to what was gone over vs stating something scripted(like going back to “credible… Show more

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