App Inventor for iOS

Published on October 2, 2021

Last edit on October 28, 2021

🏷️ Tags: #ios

Earlier this year, App Inventor for Android has made a new release! It allows people to test their apps with iOS! Sample video on the right shows you how to install and use AI Companion for iOS.

For more, see Ewan Patton's blog.

NOTE: Right now, you can only test apps for iOS in App Inventor. You cannot make apps that can be installed on your iPhone or iPad with App Inventor.

Since Android is very different from iOS, you cannot test the following on your Apple device:

  • Extensions. App Inventor Extensions are made for only Android. If you have an extension in your app, an error will be reported on your Apple device,

  • The Navigation component in Maps,

  • The Barometer, Hygrometer, LightSensor, MagneticFieldSensor, NearField, ProximitySensor and Thermometer components in Sensors,

  • The Twitter component in Social,

  • The BluetoothServer and Serial components in Connectivity,

  • LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT components,

  • All LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 except Ev3Motors and

  • The FirebaseDB component in Experimental.

Despite of the limitations, App Inventor for iOS is still a great thing. Maybe some day, you can develop apps for iOS by using App Inventor. iOS testing has never been accomplished for more than a decade.

Note: To view the progress of MIT App Inventor 2 iOS companion, click on here.

Why are there errors in connection in my iOS companion?

Make sure:

  • Your computer and Apple device are using the same internet connection.

  • You are not using any components listed above.

  • You are not using extensions.

  • Your iOS companion is updated to the latest version.