Google Maps With Kodular

Published on February 24, 2022

It has been a while since I published anything about Kodular, and here is how you can use Google Maps with Kodular.

DISCLAIMER: The API key will only be used in this tutorial. Please create your own API key.

🏷️ Tags: #kodular, #tutorials-and-guides, #google, #maps

Step 1. Creating Your API key.

  1. Go to If you are a full-time app developer, you will be playing with this a lot.

  2. Create a new Google Cloud project. Unlike Kodular projects, it is not necessary to create one project for each app, so we will create one Google project for all of our apps that uses the Google Maps service. After you created your project, it will take some time to load.

3. After you loaded your project, make sure you are in this project, not another project. Go to the Library by APIs & Services > Library.

4. Search for the Maps SDK for Android API.

5. Enable the Maps SDK for Android API.

6. Now go to Credentials and create API credentials.

7. Copy your API key into somewhere you can get it and close.

8. Go to Kodular.

Step 2. Setting Up Your Kodular Project.

  1. Click on the Settings icon next to the Designer button.

2. Go to API keys. Paste your API key in the Google Maps API key.

3. Close the Settings popup and drag out a Google Maps component from the Google drawer. Done!

NOTE: Google Maps works best when you build the APK file.

NOTE 2: If you would like to add Google Maps to your App Inventor project, please read this.