Hello Purr

Published October 2, 2021

In this tutorial, we will make a simple app. It has a button with a picture of a cat on it. When the user pushes the button, the phone play a 'meow' sound. This feature can be useful if you are going to develop games with App Inventor.

🏷️ Tags: #newbie, #tutorials-and-guides 

Step 1. Creating a new project

If you have never used App Inventor before, I suggest you to go ahead and read this Hello World tutorial first, because you haven't learn the basics yet. However, if you did, please log in to MIT App Inventor and create a project called 'HelloPurr'.

Step 2. Dragging components

Step 3. Downloading files

Step 4. Programming

In App Inventor, you do not need to write code, but you have to program your apps to tell the system what to do. To do that, App Inventor use blocks - they fit together like lines of code. They are easy to understand than code, so it is a very useful tool. Built-in blocks can help you calculate math expressions, do conditions, manage texts, and store variables. Components also have their unique blocks, too. If you click on Button1 on the left column, you can see Button1 has its unique blocks. Sound1 and Screen1 also have their blocks.

You're done!

Congratulations, you finished the tutorial!

Make sure to check out the App Inventor website to see lots of information. If you still don't understand, watch this video. Or, you can download this source code to take a look.

If you completed, you know how to:

βœ”οΈ Upload files to App Inventor,

βœ”οΈ Changing properties of components,

βœ”οΈ Do some basic programming.

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