Error Messages In App Inventor

Published on March 17, 2022

🏷️ Tags: #tutorials-and-guides

This is a list of all known error codes with components in App Inventor, and what they mean. I have looked into the ↪️ the error message list in GitHub and the source code of some components, and even tested myself for looking for new error codes. Items marked with 🛠️ are currently under construction.

There are still many error messages waiting to be published, and I have not completed this list.

User Interface Components


  • 2401 - ERROR_ILLEGAL_DATE - The inputted, or set date, is invalid, for example, December 35 2021.


  • 3001 - ERROR_IMAGE_CANNOT_ROTATE - The image cannot be rotated via the RotationAngle property.

Screen (Form)

  • 901 - ERROR_INVALID_SCREEN_ORIENTATION - The screen orientation value you set is not valid or unexpected.

  • 902 - ERROR_SCREEN_NOT_FOUND - The screen that you have requested to open does not exist.

  • 903 - ERROR_SCREEN_BAD_VALUE_RECEIVED - The screen has received a start value that has unexpected format types or content.

  • 904 - ERROR_SCREEN_BAD_VALUE_RECEIVED - The screen is about to send a start value that has unexpected format types or content.

  • 905 - ERROR_SCREEN_INVALID_ANIMATION - The CloseScreenAnimaton or OpenScreenAnimation is an unexpected value.



  • 908 - ERROR_PERMISSION_DENIED - A permission is denied by the user.


  • 2301 - ERROR_ILLEGAL_HOUR - The inputted, or set hour, is invalid, for example, 27.

  • 2302 - ERROR_ILLEGAL_MINUTE - The inputted, or set minute, is invalid, for example, 61.


  • 2501 - ERROR_WEBVIEW_SSL_ERROR - An error occured while dealing with SSL.

Layout Components

All except TableArrangement

  • 1401 - ERROR_BAD_VALUE_FOR_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT - You have set the horizontal alignment value to a not expected value.

  • 1402 - ERROR_BAD_VALUE_FOR_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT - You have set the vertical alignment value to a not expected value.

Media Components


  • 1201 - ERROR_CAMCORDER_NO_CLIP_RETURNED - The app did not return a recorded clip.


  • 201 - ERROR_CAMERA_NO_IMAGE_RETURNED -The app did not return a taken image.

  • 202 - ERROR_NO_CAMERA_PERMISSION - The app does not have permission to take photos.


  • 1601 - ERROR_CANNOT_SAVE_IMAGE - The app has failed to save the image to show it.

  • 1602 - ERROR_CANNOT_COPY_MEDIA - An error has occured while copying media files.

SoundRecorder (↪️ How to use the SoundRecorder & Player component and avoid problems/bugs with it )



  • 803 - ERROR_SOUND_RECORDER_ILLEGAL_STOP - The SoundRecorder was not in recording state but forced to stop.

  • 804 - ERROR_SOUND_RECORDER_MAX_DURATION_REACHED - The maximum duration for recording has reached. Please stop recording.

  • 805 - ERROR_SOUND_RECORDER_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED - The maximum file size for recording has reached. Please stop recording.

  • 806 - ERROR_SOUND_NO_PERMISSION - The app does not have permission to record.


  • 2701 - ERROR_TTS_NOT_READY - The service is not yet ready.


  • 1301 - ERROR_VIDEOPLAYER_FULLSCREEN_UNAVAILBLE - The fullscreen function is unavailable for the user's phone.

  • 1302 - ERROR_VIDEOPLAYER_FULLSCREEN_CANT_EXIT - The app cannot exit in the fullscreen function.

  • 1303 - ERROR_VIDEOPLAYER_FULLSCREEN_UNSUPPORTED - The fullscreen function is unsupported.


  • 2201 - ERROR_TRANSLATE_NO_KEY_FOUND - You did not provide a valid Yandex Translate API key.

  • 2202 - ERROR_TRANSLATE_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE - The translation service is not (yet) available.

  • 2203 - ERROR_TRANSLATE_JSON_RESPONSE - An error occured while parsing the translation result.

Social Components

ContactPicker or PhoneNumberPicker

  • 1107 - ERROR_PHONE_UNSUPPORTED_CONTACT_PICKER - The component is unsupported on the user's phone.


  • 1116 - ERROR_NO_READ_CONTACTS_PERMISSION - You do not have the permission to read the user's contacts.


  • 3501 - ERROR_NO_CALL_PERMISSION - You do not have the permission to create phone calls.


  • 2001 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_FOR_SHARING - The file socket in ShareFile or ShareFileWithMessage does not exist. Check the path pointing to the file.


  • 1701 - ERROR_BAD_VALUE_FOR_TEXT_RECEIVING - An error has occured in the ReceivingEnabled property.

  • 1702 - ERROR_NO_SMS_PERMISSION - You do not have the permission to send SMS messages.

  • 1706 - ERROR_NO_SMS_RECEIVE_PERMISSION - You do not have the permission to receive SMS messages.


⚠️ NOTE: ↪️ It has been reported, that the Twitter component is now broken. Do not (yet) use this component.

  • 301 - ERROR_TWITTER_UNSUPPORTED_LOGIN_FUNCTION - Twitter login is not supported on the user's phone.

  • 302 - ERROR_TWITTER_BLANK_CONSUMER_KEY_OR_SECRET - You have left the ConsumerKey or ConsumerSecret properties blank.

  • 303 - ERROR_TWITTER_EXCEPTION - An exception error has occured.

  • 304 - ERROR_TWITTER_UNABLE_TO_GET_ACCESS_TOKEN - Your app has failed to get the access token of Twitter.

  • 305 - ERROR_TWITTER_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED - Failed to authorize the user.

  • 306 - ERROR_TWITTER_SET_STATUS_FAILED - An error has occured while setting the status in the Tweet and TweetWithImage blocks.

  • 307 - ERROR_TWITTER_REQUEST_MENTIONS_FAILED - Failed to read mentions in the RequestMentions block.

  • 308 - ERROR_TWITTER_REQUEST_FOLLOWERS_FAILED - Failed to check followers in the RequestFollowers block.

  • 309 - ERROR_TWITTER_REQUEST_DIRECT_MESSAGES_FAILED - Failed to read direct messages in the RequestDirectMessages block.

  • 310 - ERROR_TWITTER_DIRECT_MESSAGE_FAILED - Failed to send a direct message in the DirectMessage block.

  • 311 - ERROR_TWITTER_FOLLOW_FAILED - Failed to follow a user in the Follow method.

  • 312 - ERROR_TWITTER_STOP_FOLLOWING_FAILED - Failed to stop following a user in the StopFollowing block.

  • 313 - ERROR_TWITTER_REQUEST_FRIEND_TIMELINE_FAILED - Failed to read messages in the user's timeline in the RequestFriendTimeline block.

  • 314 - ERROR_TWITTER_SEARCH_FAILED - Failed to search Twitter in the SearchTwitter block.

  • 315 - ERROR_TWITTER_INVALID_IMAGE_PATH - You have provided an invalid image path in the TweetWithImage block.

Storage Components


  • 2101 - ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_FILE - The app has failed to find the file, or the file does not exist.

  • 2102 - ERROR_CANNOT_READ_FILE - The app has failed to read the file.

  • 2103 - ERROR_CANNOT_CREATE_FILE - The app has failed to create the file.


  • 2105 - ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE_ASSET - The app has failed to delete files in the Assets/Media section. You should not delete files there.

  • 2106 - ERROR_CANNOT_WRITE_ASSET - The app has failed to write files in the Assets/Media section. You should not edit files there.

  • 2107 - ERROR_CANNOT_DELETE_FILE - The app has failed to delete the file.

  • 2108 - ERROR_CANNOT_MAKE_DIRECTORY - The app has failed to create the relevant directory.


  • 2110 - ERROR_DIRECTORY_DOES_NOT_EXIST - The provided directory does not exist.

  • 2111 - ERROR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY - The given path is not a directory.


  • 2113 - ERROR_CANNOT_REMOVE_DIRECTORY - Failed to remove the given directory.

Connectivity Components



  • 602 - ERROR_ACTIVITY_STARTER_NO_ACTION_INFO - An error has occured in the StartActivity method.


  • 501 - ERROR_BLUETOOTH_NOT_AVAILABLE - Bluetooth is not available.

  • 502 - ERROR_BLUETOOTH_NOT_ENABLED - Bluetooth is not enabled.

  • 503 - ERROR_BLUETOOTH_INVALID_ADDRESS - The given address to connect is invalid.


  • ...


Nxt Components

  • 401 - ERROR_NXT_BLUETOOTH_NOT_SET - The BluetoothClient of the NXT component is not set.

  • 402 - ERROR_NXT_NOT_CONNECTED_TO_ROBOT - The component is not connected to the NXT Robot.


  • 404 - ERROR_NXT_ERROR_CODE_RECEIVED - The component has received an error.

  • 405 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_PROGRAM_NAME - The given program name is invalid.

  • 406 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_FILE_NAME - The given file name is invalid.

  • 407 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_MOTOR_PORT - The given motor port is invalid.

  • 408 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_SENSOR_PORT - The given sensor port is invalid.

  • 409 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_MAILBOX - The given mailbox is invalid.

  • 410 - ERROR_NXT_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG - The given/output message is too long to handle.

  • 411 - ERROR_NXT_DATA_TOO_LARGE - The data is too large to handle.

  • 412 - ERROR_NXT_COULD_NOT_DECODE_ELEMENT - The component has failed to decode the element.

  • 413 - ERROR_NXT_COULD_NOT_FIT_ELEMENT_IN_BYTE - The component has failed to fit the element in bytes.

  • 414 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_SOURCE_ARGUMENT - The given source parameter is invalid.

  • 415 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_DESTINATION_ARGUMENT - The given destination parameter is invalid.

  • 416 - ERROR_NXT_UNABLE_TO_DOWNLOAD_FILE - The component has failed to download the file.

  • 417 - ERROR_NXT_CANNOT_DETECT_COLOR - The ColorSensor component has failed to detect the color.

  • 418 - ERROR_NXT_CANNOT_DETECT_LIGHT - The LightSensor component has failed to detect the light.

  • 419 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_GENERATE_COLOR - The component has failed to generate the color in the GenerateColor block.

  • 420 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_MOTOR_MODE - An error has occured in NxtDirectCommands with the mode parameter in the SetOutputState block.

  • 421 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_REGULATION_MODE - An error has occured in the regulationMode parameter.

  • 422 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_SENSOR_TYPE - An error has occured with the sensorType parameter in NxtDirectCommands.

  • 423 - ERROR_NXT_INVALID_SENSOR_MODE - An error has occured with the sensorMode parameter in NxtDirectCommands.

All Components

  • 2801 - ERROR_BAD_PERCENT - Unexpected percentage value. Percentage values should be integers between 0 and 100.