Naming Conventions

Published on January 10, 2022

Naming conventions is often a big issue for extension developers, but it can be mastered in a few minutes. Naming conventions are a set of rules for choosing the correct character sequence or name for source code or a documentation. Extension developers need to follow naming conventions because it reduce the readability and understandability of your extension blocks. If you want to make your extension private, feel free to choose your own naming conventions, but if you are making this public, you must follow these naming conventions, no matter if your extension is from App Inventor, Kodular, Niotron or any other builder.

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Event Blocks

Above are samples of event blocks. As you can see, for example, the first event is a GotTranslation block. The first letter of each word starts with a capital letter. However, the capital letter for the first word of the paramter, such as responseCode, starts with a small letter. Terms like API or ID are considered one word.

In all cases, no underscores (_) or spaces ( ) shall be included.

Method Blocks

Above are samples of method blocks. The first method blocks is a SaveAs block. Similar to events, the first letter of each word starts with a capital letter. However, the capital letter for the first word of the parameter, such as tableId or fileName, starts with a small letter. Terms like API or ID are considered one word.

In all cases, no underscores (_) or spaces ( ) shall be included.

Property Blocks

Above are samples of method blocks. The first method blocks is a SaveAs block. Similar to events, the first letter of each word starts with a capital letter. Terms like API or ID are considered one word.

In all cases, no underscores (_) or spaces ( ) shall be included.